A New Beginning for NZTECHO

Graeme Tuckett reflects on his first issue as editor and the challenges of remote collaboration.

Hi All,

When Karla and Carolyn asked me a few months ago if I wanted to take over as editor of this magazine I said yes without even hesitating. Now, hunched over a cold mug of coffee on a freezing cold Wellington evening with a deadline and a headache looming, I’m not so sure.

This first issue has had some stumbles, and I’ve certainly never tried working remotely – hundreds of miles away from the people I’m collaborating with – before.

But, with a lot of guidance from Justin our designer and layout whiz, and plenty of assistance from Karla, I reckon we’re getting there.

I’m especially happy to have dragged that shy beast known as ‘Wookie’ out of the thickets and into the sunlight for a brief appearance. And I am delighted and quite humbled that our ‘Back in The Day’ column is from Leon Narbey. There can’t be many people in the industry, or many film lovers anywhere in the country, who haven’t been moved by Leon’s passion and eye for what he does. Those of us who’ve been lucky enough to work with him will always smile at the memory.

So, enjoy this issue, and I promise the next one will have a slightly smoother gestation.

Love your work.

Graeme Tuckett, editor editor@nztecho.com

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