A Year Like No Other
Hi all,
Well, we made it, most of us, to the end of the weirdest and most trying year the world has gone through in most of our lifetimes.
I reckon we've seen people – mostly – at their best. And here in Aotearoa/New Zealand in particular we have been blessed by a combination of our isolation and some smart, decisive policy-making. The result of which is, we are right now the only significant film-making nation in the world that is 100% open for business. Although, by the time you read this, our friends in the West Island should have joined us.
And boy, don't we just know it. All available studio space in the major centres is groaning with business, with the largest film shoots anywhere on Earth all jostling for space and crew.
It's been great to see the number of entry-level roles created too, as the current crop of veterans and long-termers take on the work of making sure there is always new blood coming through. We are an essentially self-governed industry, with no government-mandated 'apprenticeship schemes,' and it looks as though we mostly take that responsibility seriously.
Long may it continue.
Looking ahead, we can probably predict that 2021 will be more of the same, with plenty of productions coming to town, and with them the massive importance of maintaining our Covid-free status.
It is nearly inevitable that there will be other community outbreaks, but we have proven that contact tracing, hygiene, and basic common sense and consideration are still potent allies in keeping any outbreaks contained. Mandatory 'signing in' on set is a great initiative. And although as an industry we pride ourselves on working no matter how crook we are, maybe let's agree to modify that behaviour from now on?
But for now, hopefully, you're still enjoying a deserved break, or just heading back to the gig. Wherever you are, no matter what you are doing, stay as safe as you want to be, and let's all keep on looking out for each other.
All best,