Anon's Gone
I am writing to inform you that I have to withdraw my membership from the Guild. I have been unemployed in the industry for the past eleven months and can’t afford the fees. All being well, the New Year looks hopeful, and I will then seek to re-join the Guild. Until then…
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
(Name withheld – Ed.)
A thought from us to those in a similar situation:
Although we believe our fees are not large by the standards of other comparable organizations, nevertheless when one’s not as flush with folding as one might prefer, or need, then the one-off lump sum can look mighty intimidating at first.
But there is a remedy - instead of paying a lump sum annually, you can pay the guild membership fee in monthly instalments. Using this system (as I do) makes the whole fee-paying experience infinitely more comfortable, as an amount of 1/12th of the annual fee is painlessly extracted from your bank account each month. No initial deposit required either!
Remember, $20-25 per month works out to be the equivalent of approximately one latte per week!
We sympathise strongly with our resigning member, however, and we sincerely hope that her/his fortunes turn around as quickly as the politicians in power insist they are doing…
Tony F.