ARC - Update

Film Auckland addresses location access, accreditation, and environmental concerns with ARC.

Guild members, and NZTECHO readers particularly, might remember the articles over the last year and a half on the successful campaign by the Auckland screen industry to dissuade the Auckland Regional Council (ARC) from limiting access to regional parks for events involving 50 or more people to five per year.

We understand that Film Auckland is still in negotiation with the ARC with regards to Vehicles on Beaches, ‘Accreditation’ issues, and various other ongoing concerns.

The biggest and most positive change that has been noticed is that the ARC now comes to Film Auckland, in order to consult, before they make any wide sweeping changes.

Some of the council board members, most notably Sandra Coney and Paul Walbran, have acknowledged that the screen production industry leaves only a very light footprint in terms of ecological impact. They have suggested a system of ‘Accreditation’, whereby only approved companies and/or location scouts can make use of their locations. Film Auckland is trying to dissuade them of this idea, as it would be unworkable in terms of offshore productions, and unnecessarily punitive to local producers, production managers, and location scouts.

Film Auckland (and the wider industry) have successfully argued that the self-regulatory nature of our business prevents disrespect of the environment and existing protocols. It has also been suggested that any company who ‘behaves badly’ should be denied future permits.

Film Auckland is frequently meeting with the ARC to develop workable protocols and may hold workshops to further educate the screen industry on issues relating to ‘Stewardship’. Film Auckland describes their relationship with the ARC as ‘consultative’. They also keep their ears to the ground in order to be forewarned of any other issues that may arise.

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