Call for Action on Immigration Rule Changes
Call for action
Kia ora all. In this issue I am going to focus on one major event on the New Zealand 2013 film industry calendar. The September review of the immigration rules that were introduced on 28 April, 2012. These introduced rule changes have had a massive impact on work that in the past would have gone to resident New Zealand technicians.
The most significant of these rule changes was the 14-day rule, allowing technicians who are working 14 days or less in New Zealand to enter the country and work on productions with no obligation to liaise with the Guild or other industry representatives. So regardless of whether there are equally experienced New Zealand technicians (or even more experienced ones on some occasions) available for work, overseas technicians have the right
to work in New Zealand for up to 14 days. Not so great for those at home waiting for the next job.
Additionally, these rules allow productions to enter New Zealand completely unchecked or unsupervised by local line production or the industry as a whole. The impact of this is a practised industry structure built and refined over many years being slowly eroded away.
Four other points to note are as follows:
• The attrition of the respectful and professional reputation we have along with good public relationships, by crews who do not necessarily under- stand New Zealand (film/public) protocol.
• The environmental kaitiaki, when there is no one to say “no” when a native branch or tree is cut down because it sits inconveniently in the way of a shot.
• Council and location permits not being applied for.
• Lastly, but possibly most critical, established safety practises being completely disregarded.
This review is a vital path forward for the industry and will determine the security of work for resident New Zealand technicians in upcoming years. Get involved – I stress this, it’s your future at stake! It’s important that you understand how these rules work and how they impact your industry.
Phone me on 09 302 2022 or email me at info@nztecho.com as I am happy to explain and discuss the April 2012 rule changes. The Guild needs support from members to be a part of this review.
In previous issues I have stressed that the members own the Guild and its strength is determined not only by member numbers but the engagement of members. There is no guarantee we can get these rules overturned but I am determined to give it a damn good go. But, if you passively do nothing when the opportunity is presented, you lose the right to complain when work that you are well qualified to do, goes to overseas crew.
I cannot do this on my own. Call me!