Deceit? Surely Not!
Recently we heard from a member that on more than one recent drama production, the crew contracts stated that sixth day penalties would only be paid if the sixth day fell within the stated working week; meaning if they gave crew 2 days off then worked 10 days straight followed by 2 days off, there would be no penalties paid, as 5 days were in one week and 5 were in the following. Meaning that the number of consecutive working days is a non-issue - this was in the contracts.
While that is certainly contrary to the spirit of the Blue Book, it appears not to be prevented. But more disturbing is this:
The member who first told us of this practice attempted on one job to modify the clause in the contract to bring it into line with what s/he believed to be both the Blue Book spirit and safe practice.
S/he was told that no other crew person had objected to this clause and the modification was flatly rejected. HOWEVER: At least two other crew people also tried to get the same modification, they tell us, and were also given the same line – No other crew objected to the clause, so No.
Maybe with the first person, this statement was true. But… Now, one does expect (some) producers to play hardball in contract negotiations – but one also expects good faith, even integrity – not what looks suspiciously like blatant and deliberate lying!