Ella Dickson

A look at Ella Dickson's journey from hospitality to film, and her aspirations for the industry’s future.

Ella Dickson joined the Guild earlier this year. Welcome!

How long have you been in screen production and how did you get started?

I was on the fringes of film and television from a young age, because growing up my mother worked in film catering and safety. But my career started as a teenager working at Joes Garage as a dishy, and then gradually working my way up through kitchen. By my late teens I had started working on commercials as a film caterer, but paused my career to study and have my son Obie. After a period in events and as a private chef I returned to film and worked many years in the catering truck, feeding the crew that I would later join on set in 2020. I’ve since spent 2021 exploring onset and logistical departments.

Why did you choose film/TV as a career?

Working in hospitality taught me many of the skills which would later become useful when I transitioned into working off and on set. There’s so much in hospo that aligns with film - the time management, the interpersonal skills, the pride in your work and the common goal that everyone in the different departments is working towards. So to me working in film felt natural. I also briefly studied fine arts and photography, so I’ve always been attracted to the creative side of the industry. Ultimately, I enjoy the satisfaction of getting the job done and thrive in challenging situations which film provides plenty of.

Do you also work outside of film?

Not right now no.

What have you learnt about your department as a whole?

I’ve worked in several departments in lots of different roles this year: Unit, Craft Services, Locations, Transportation, Camera, Lighting and Grips. I’ve learnt that every part of the machine is necessary and understanding the process from so many different angles has given me much respect for the work we all do as a team.

I’ve learnt that camaraderie and interpersonal skills are important and to always make the most of every opportunity, because not all benefits are financial.

Why have you chosen to join the Guild. What do you want and expect of the Guild?

Ultimately, this industry is one of community and relationships - you can only get so far on your own. I’m very thankful to have been supported by the older generation throughout my career, and joining the guild gives me an opportunity to repay that kindness and generosity. I believe that we are stronger as a collective and that together we can create an empowering and safe industry.

What strengths do you think the NZ industry has? What could contribute to a more sustainable industry?

Although I haven't worked outside of New Zealand yet, I believe we are an industrious, creative, and well-humoured bunch. We're hard workers who add quality content to the worldwide stage. Though we are young, we have a unique identity and I constantly look forward to being part of projects that bring me great satisfaction and pride.

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