Film Auckland

Film Auckland promotes Auckland as a key screen production hub, focusing on international business and industry growth.

Responding to our invitation, Executive Manager MICHAEL BROOK gives us a run-down on just exactly what Film Auckland is and what it does…

For the Auckland region, the screen industry is not just show business; it is big business. In fact, screen production—both production and post-production—is a $700 million dollar business for our region. Total revenues from the screen industry for the Auckland region are $1.6 billion, and Auckland accounts for 66% of all national revenues from the screen industry.

A healthy portion of this business is international clients, export dollars—foreign earnings that inject funds into the businesses we need to nurture, and wages for our valued screen professionals, significantly contributing to our regional economy.

Film Auckland is one of the key organizations that has been actively marketing Auckland as a screen destination for the last five years, with a goal of creating business for our industry and our region.


Established in 2003, Film Auckland is an incorporated society, and is governed by a committee voted upon by the members. We are an industry-led organization that was initially established by the screen industry, working alongside Auckland City Council and Waitakere Enterprise/Waitakere City Council. We are registered with the Charities Commission as a charitable organization.

A significant point is that Film Auckland does belong to the screen industry, always aims to represent the industry, and is run by a committed Board of some of the most senior and successful screen professionals in Auckland. The Board is chaired by experienced producer Roi Macgregor. And for Techos’ Guild members, Jennifer Butcher is an Advisory Member to the Board.

With a staff of one full-timer (myself) and one part-timer, Executive Assistant Jodie Hillock, there is always a lot to do and not enough time to do it. This is where the Board comes in. Members of the Board give their time regularly and willingly to work on projects and for Film Auckland. All this time is given voluntarily, for the good of the industry.


Our marketing efforts involve a number of streams, including a website, a DVD, electronic brochures, advertising, on-ground hosting, direct marketing through delegations, and publicity.

One highlight has been the launch of a new website – – in May 2008. The site, created by Auckland web design company Gravitate, features a unique navigation system which allows visitors to quickly access sector-specific information which is relevant to their needs.

From the homepage, the visitor will find five sector streams: features, television, commercials, post-production, and gaming/animation. The site also features a completely new, eye-catching design. Visually iconic and stunning purpose-shot stills from locations such as Bethells Beach, Britomart, the Waitemata Harbour, and the CBD highlight and champion the locations the Auckland region has to offer.

Actual case studies for each sector highlight just how good it is to film in Auckland, and the quality of the product that comes out of the region. These have been written by senior film professionals involved in each production, and include stills from the projects, plus, importantly, video streaming of clips from some of the productions.

A recent innovation in our marketing has been an electronic brochure, featuring moving images shot by Tony Monk, which is provided on branded flash drives. Far more interactive than a simple paper brochure, it essentially drives people to link up with the website, which they can do directly from the flash drive. The brochure has also been produced in Japanese, Korean, and Chinese versions for Film Auckland’s push into Asia.


Speaking of Asia, a few years ago Film Auckland was looking at how our industry could develop and grow new markets, and looked towards Asia.

Mid-2007 we formed a joint trade delegation with Waitakere Enterprise, and with support from Waitakere City Council, to investigate and promulgate production opportunities with the film industries in China and Korea. A host of promising and very real contacts were made with many film companies and organizations in both countries. The highlight of the trip was the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Korean Film Producers Association and Film Auckland to work closely together on a number of levels.

In the two years since that visit, we have hosted over a dozen high-level film delegations from China and Korea. These delegations have been both industry and governmental. All this work is creating excellent foundations for future joint projects and cooperation.

One key organization that Film Auckland has been working with is the China Film Co-Production Corporation. Meetings with local producers with specific China-related projects in development have been held and we are now in discussions with Auckland producers on eight new feature projects.

Blossoming relationships have been developed with the further hosting of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, the Korean Film Council, the Gyeonggi Digital Content Agency, a Korean government delegation, the China Film Group, and the Huayi Brothers.

Part of the push into Asia is that we have been a key participant in the Asia Pacific Producers Network (APN), a high-level network of key producers throughout the region. Film Auckland reps have attended the last two Asia-Pacific Producers Network (APN) Forums in Incheon and Tokyo respectively. This forum is of huge importance in Asia as it is a gathering of the most senior producers in the region. Film Auckland is looking at hosting the event in 2011.

Much of this work in Asia has been in the feature and television sectors, but this doesn’t mean the TVC sector has been ignored. Just this month Film Auckland has been marketing the region at Asia’s big TVC market, Adfest.


We are committed to working closely with all stakeholders to make Auckland an attractive, seamless, and high delivery destination of choice for the international screen entertainment industry. We continue to strive to make Auckland a “film-friendly” destination. Film Auckland is always representing the local industry to ensure that locations are always available for the industry. Much of this work is done with local authorities and is done behind the scenes, but is an area in which we are constantly active, devoting countless hours to make Auckland a great place to film.

Film Auckland particularly engages a lot with the Auckland Regional Council to ensure access to the industry to some of our key locations, such as the Waitakere Ranges and our west coast beaches. As an organization, we are working strongly with the ARC to ensure access for filming, and are also encouraging the ARC to sign up to the “Film Friendly” protocols, something the ARC is looking at right now.

Film Friendly is a protocol essentially administered by Local Government New Zealand and Film New Zealand. Gaining Film Friendly status is formal recognition that local authorities have the necessary processes and policies in place to meet screen production industry needs as they arise, without compromising the councils’ statutory obligations. To become Film Friendly a council will need to demonstrate that it understands and agrees to progress in adopting film friendly processes and policies as outlined in the Protocol. The signing of a simple agreement between the council and Film New Zealand on behalf of the screen production industry recognizes each party’s commitment to Film Friendly requirements. Film New Zealand then issues a certificate of film friendliness. So far, 35 councils in New Zealand have signed up, with all but the ARC in Auckland on the list.

Film Auckland chairs a group called FALAIG (Film Auckland, Local Authorities, and Industry Group**)** which meets every month. This is very much a working group, composed of Film Auckland, Council, and DOC reps who deal with screen, and industry reps who are mainly location managers or producers. This group is very productive in sorting through locations issues and instituting initiatives. One very important result of this group was the single film permit application that is used by all the councils in the region, a first for New Zealand.


Recently, Film Auckland and planning consultants Boffa Miskell launched a comprehensive guide to regulations affecting filming in the Auckland region: The Green Book. Looking to the future development of filmmaking in relation to the possible Super City, The Green Book summarizes the regulatory requirements affecting filmmaking in areas covered by all seven city and district councils in the region, from Franklin to Rodney, as well as the Auckland Regional Council, the Department of Conservation (DOC), and other bodies such as Civil Aviation and the NZ Transport Authority (NZTA).

Available as a PDF download from, The Green Book is intended as a service to the screen industry—local producers as well as international companies working here—by providing definitive permitting and consents information to assist in planning, budgeting, and organizing productions, listing contacts and fees, and giving summaries of the rules of each council. So far it has been a great success with over 100 downloads in its first two weeks, including 60 on its first day of release!

The production of The Green Book has been guided by Film Auckland chair Roimata Macgregor and Film Auckland board member (and location scout) Clayton Tikao.

Our ultimate aim is to have a consistent regulatory environment, and we see the compilation of regulations from all councils in the one document as the first step in achieving this. The Green Book will be regularly updated to reflect changes as they occur.


Another big focus for Film Auckland. As part of its funding from NZTE, we have run a capability program which is essentially a professional development program for experienced film professionals. Applicants apply for funding for projects that will enhance their abilities as film industry professionals, their companies, or organizations. The key aspect for Film Auckland is that the applicant’s project will also be beneficial for local industry as well. We have granted just over $80,000 to successful applicants since the fund began. Funding has gone to individuals, companies, and industry organizations for a whole range of projects.

(Kath Thomas, Stephen Buckland, and Scene Safe Ltd were the first Techos Guild members to receive such grants, and the Guild itself was granted money to conduct an upcoming contracts workshop. ED.)


Raising industry knowledge and skills is a role that we are committed to. In the past year, we have held two key events. In July 2008 was the Summit, dubbed the Election Year Special, where the film representatives for Labour, National, New Zealand First, and the Progressive Party presented policies, answered questions, and engaged in a panel discussion. Then in March 2009, we held a Financial Crisis Forum with key speakers, including Rod Oram and Benedikte Jensen from the NZ Institute, offering thoughts and advice on the current economic climate and how it will affect the screen industry. Throughout the year, we have also collaborated on a number of industry events with organizations such as the Techos Guild, WIFT, the Screen Directors Guild, the Asia New Zealand Film Foundation, and AUT.


People often wonder where Film Auckland fits in as far as Film New Zealand, the national film office, and the other regional film offices go. Positively, we enjoy strong and cooperative working relationships with all of these organizations, in recognition that promoting New Zealand, as well as particular regions, is key to promoting growth in our industry.

Film New Zealand also contributed to Film Auckland’s costs in creating the Green Book, in recognition of the region's significant role in screen production in New Zealand, and the value The Green Book will have as a template for other regional film offices.


As anyone involved with screen industry organizations will know from their own experiences, funding is always an issue. It is no different for Film Auckland. For the past four years, our marketing and our capability program have been funded by an NZTE Major Regional Initiative. This is due to come to an end at the end of June, so we are working through a range of funding streams to keep funding this work.

Auckland City Council has been a valued and dedicated supporter of Film Auckland since our inception and has expanded its support with funding to develop new business through its sister city agreements. Waitakere City has also been a big supporter. Now we have recognized that the other councils in the region also need to be investing in Film Auckland, which helps to bring production to their locales.

Sponsors are also key. Film Auckland has survived owing to the generosity of some loyal sponsors who contribute to keep the organization going. The sponsorship market is incredibly tight at the moment, so we are grateful for what we have got. We are always on the lookout for new sponsors – but don’t expect much joy right now.

Since our establishment in 2003, Film Auckland has been an integral part of enormous growth in the screen production sector in the Auckland region. We have shown ourselves to be an innovative, professional, and productive organization that is committed to the Auckland region, all on a very tight budget.

For Film Auckland, 2009 is a year of great change and even greater opportunities. We are already innovative in terms of marketing, engagement, and sponsorship income, and intend to keep up the good work, helping bring production to Auckland.


Film Auckland is a membership-based organization. We represent everyone in the screen industry and are always looking to increase our membership for strength of numbers when lobbying on behalf of the industry. Individual members can join for only $55 and corporates for $350. Information on joining can be found by clicking “Membership” on the Film Auckland homepage at Soon people will be able to join online on the website, but in the meantime, the membership form can be downloaded.

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