Fritha's Thoughts
A Happy New Year to everyone - although this New Year has already brought an early share of grief to the industry with the loss of two great, well-loved men before their time. Having experienced similar personal loss at a very early age I have a real sense of the gulf that can be left behind by such loss. So I add my voice to those seeking to offer comfort to all the friends and loved ones at this time and hope that these giants are perhaps meeting up again, wherever they are, for a beer and a laugh.
At such times of loss I think perspective reaches into our lives in a way it does rarely the rest of the time. This perspective is one of the things we should try to hold on to, as we face other challenges in life and work this year.
That it’s not always apparent what it’s like out there for you all is clear to Allison (Accounts) and me as we work away in the office and try to look after the membership. As such we enjoy the various communications we have with members, and thank everyone for their kind feedback. Sometimes we can offer members facing challenging times solutions that they are otherwise unaware of, and we are more than happy when we can do so.
With a view to the future, we are in what Allison and I wryly term ‘The Transitional Phase’: As well as building our new browser-based database, “SUGAR”, and breaking in a new computer for the EO (me), we are developing new systems for all the processes in the office. These will streamline the work and increase the availability of information. Often it seems we are peddling backwards as we try to apply new systems while still learning and attending to core business. Thankfully we see evidence – just often enough – that our systems are working, and we realise that things will get faster... Eventually! In the mean time we are hugely grateful for the understanding shown to us by patient members waiting for renewal letters and membership packs.
In other Guild business:
We’ve had several calls from members concerned about late payment by production companies. I highly recommend everyone give their Invoicing a Health Check, based on the fantastic advice at www.nztecho.com (go to > Resources and Articles > Crew Resources > ‘How to write an invoice workshop 101’). It would be great to see a consistent approach to invoicing by all contracting crew, supported by timely payment by production!
In the same vein, we’ve had contacts from crew with insurance issues. A reminder of two key facts:
Fritha’s Thoughts
- Public Liability does not cover vehicles;
- NO-ONE is permitted to deduct money from your invoice without your knowledge, regardless of your liability or otherwise in any disputes such as insurance. More on this in a future issue, where we will provide some advice for those dealing with minor insurance issues on set.
More also on "Mark of the Lion" and the Safety Code of Practice review in the next issue of NZTECHO.
All the best,