Guild Progress and Challenges

A year in review for the New Zealand Film and Video Technicians’ Guild, highlighting achievements and ongoing challenges.

Kia ora all. On 1 February 2012 I officially became the executive officer of the New Zealand Film and Video Technicians’ Guild, at the same time the Guild’s office left Macaulay Street and became remote. So here we are at the end of December 2012 and what a difference a year makes.

It has in fact been a very positive year for the Guild, disregarding the challenges that the new immigration legislation has thrown in our path, and for all those interested, this is still major with far reaching implications. But as a guild we have grown.

We welcome 50 new members!

We pitched and secured funding from the New Zealand Film Commission for four nationally run workshops – and the response to the first of these has been overwhelmingly positive. The unanimous feedback, “bring it on – we want more.”

We have more member benefits and there’s more to come. So check your rushes emails to ensure you keep up to date

We have continued to retain work for New Zealand citizens and residents even though the new immigration legislation is now not geared in our favour. Unchecked by the Guild some of this work would have gone to foreign technicians.

We have managed to thwart the odd ‘dodgy’ immigration application and support the legitimate applications which have brought great work and productions into the country.

We have received financial support from a number of production companies who stand by and support the Guild, particularly when it comes to the Safety Code of Practice and The Blue Book. This is always encouraging, as it confirms that there are many good productions working together with us.

So here we are now. Christmas is just around the corner, so from Santa this year – the executive officer (and I think she’s been good) is asking in 2013 that Guild members make a little more effort to build and support their organisation.

Encourage one other technician to join the Guild.

Think about member benefits, as members we get access to some great discounts and services and businesses get the benefit of our member support – everyone walks away with a balloon.

Call and offer your time – it doesn’t have to be hours of work, it might just be one small task and responsibility.

So as I sign out for the year, I wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season. Remember your sun-block and don’t take it all too seriously.

Annual General Meeting Report

Annual AGM meetings were held in Auckland, Wellington and Queenstown on 14 November 2012.

Nominations are as follows:

National president: Alun Bollinger

Vice president: Sioux Macdonald

Auckland committee: Nick Treacy (chair), Brendon Durey (treasurer), Dot Kyle, Murray Milne, Sioux Macdonald, Lou Taylor, Ben Vanderpoel (new committee member), Mark Messenger (new committee member) and James Newman.

Wellington committee: Richard Bluck (chair), Jen Metcalfe (branch secretary), Roger Feenstra, Sally Cunningham, Adrian Hebron, Ken Saville, Belindalee Hope, and Dave Brown.

Queenstown committee: Mark Gillings (chair), Brett Mills, Jamie Couper, Joshua Dunn, Thom Watson, Narelle Wilson, Harry Whitehurst, and Rachel Kinsella.

National executive committee: Alun Bollinger, Sioux Macdonald, Mark Gillings, Brendon Durey, Brett Mills, Murray Milne, Doty Kyle, Nick Treacy, Lou Taylor, Mark Messenger, and Alex Paton.

Minutes from each branch AGM available on request.

Thanks to all the above-listed members for putting a hand up for the Techos’ Guild.

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