In Memory and Industry Updates
Our last issue presented me with a quandary. Two valued members of our industry passed away just prior to going to press. Both Robert Bruce and Allen Guilford warranted featuring on the front cover. Obviously a cover each - but who first? I’d already dug out my battered copy of Robert’s 1970s “Ugly Agency” poster and scanned it, when I heard about Al. But it also seemed appropriate that the man who departed from us first should be on the first cover. Now I’m really pleased to cover-feature a young tyro clearly on a “journey”.
Since that issue I’ve been surprised by a number of queries about Peter Janes’ story “Lunch with Al Guilford” in 2003, not long after Al’s accident. So we reprint it now, bringing it to a membership now more than three times what it was then. Again my very special thanks to Allen’s brother-in-law, Bryan Shaw, for all the photos; I could happily print many more!
Also in this issue: Just exactly why are there a number of regional, independent film offices around the country as well as Film New Zealand? Big thanks to Michael Brook for his fulsome account of how Film Auckland is not only a locations reference body for overseas filmmakers but so much more! We’d love to hear from other regional film offices too, about the different things they do, or how they do things differently…
There could be big changes, especially in the feature film sector, not only as a result of the “recession / depression”, but also because of our change in Government - and change in the leadership of our Film Commission. A warm welcome to the new NZFC Chair, Graeme Mason, who has already made some pleasing gestures towards film guilds generally, and Techos in particular.
Later in the mag you’ll see a note about the money you can save as a Guild member at the upcoming NZ International Film Festival. But I’d particularly like to draw attention to the World Premiere of a documentary This Way of Life, made by Guild member and Director / Cinematographer Thom Burstyn and his partner Writer / Producer Barbara Sumner Burstyn. Quoting the festival programme: “…captivating, visually ravishing… Like glimpsing the infancy of the classical gods. Yes, Thom Burstyn’s cinematography is that remarkable.”
Finally, Steve King, Auckland Branch Committee member, invites responses: Pulling up to the location with an NZTECHO bumper sticker. A ‘Member NZTECHO’ window sticker for your office. NZTECHO Huffer Tees. It’s been said that our association is a bit quiet as far as its external profile goes. We know who we are and what we do, but many don’t. Is that important? Would you show your support if we had branded gear available? What would you display, wear, use?