Industry Challenges and Change

Navigating changes in immigration laws, health and safety codes, and the challenges of a slowing economy.

Issues within our industry pale into insignificance alongside the issues which the people of Christchurch, and now Japan, are facing. Seeing the way the people and communities of Christchurch and from further afield are pulling together is truly inspiring. It makes one wonder why we don’t work together in this way, as a cohesive community, other than in times of crisis.

The mass media have kept us fully informed about the fate of Christchurch so I will stick with issues more or less relating to the screen production industry.

Since The Hobbit/Equity debacle, there has been yet another move from our government to control the way our industry works. Having changed employment law there has now been an attempt at changing the way the immigration process works for foreigners applying for temporary work visas. Theoretically this change has already taken place but it would be stretching it to say the change is working as intended. The pitfalls which we in the industry pointed out to the Department of Labour before the changes were implemented, are proving to be as problematic as predicted. Lack of information required from the production is a primary problem. Underlying lack of knowledge of our industry coupled with a lack of communication from within the department administering the process compound the problem. The process is due for further review so goodness knows what the next outcome will be!

We might find ourselves in a difficult negotiating position when it comes to further sorting out of work visa issues; as a workers’ representative group, the Techos Guild (along with Actors Equity and the Screen Directors Guild), may not receive much sympathy from this particular government with our points of view.

We’re also in the middle of a total re-write of our industry Health and Safety Code of Practice (the new version will include Environment also). This is well underway but will take some time to complete with industry-wide consultation and input from craft groups into their specific areas still to be gathered.

Having said that I’d stick to screen industry issues, I have to say that all this talk of working our way out of recession and back towards a ‘growing economy’ just doesn’t wash with me. Our western world economy simply can’t continue to grow ad infinitum. Sooner or later it all has to come to a crashing halt. I see this so-called recession as an indicator of how things will have to be in the longer term with us all slowing down and being less inclined to buy buy buy, consuming simply for the sake of it. Of course the screen production industry with its constantly changing technology has to be one of the world’s worst for indulging in the consumption of throw-away goods. What we do to abate it I do not know. Any suggestions will be gratefully received.

One serious suggestion to any and all who may be reading this mag, now is a good time to join the Techos’ Guild if you’re not already a member. Your guild needs your support so that your Guild can most effectively support you.

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