Introducing... NZ Camera Cars

Highlighting NZ Camera Cars' precision services for film, TV, and commercial productions across New Zealand.

NZ CAMERA CARS is a specialist company who have been providing Camera Cars, Grip, Rigging, Vehicle Wrangling, and Picture Vehicle services for many years.

Our Precision Drivers and Operators have many years of motorsport and car building experience. We understand what we do and are all about safety.

We are not afraid to put the camera in the middle of the action. You are in very capable hands with us on your shoot.

NZ Camera Cars is owned and operated by a qualified mechanic and professional welder, who also runs a successful Group One motorsport team. Building, running, transporting, and maintaining specialist vehicles is what these guys do.

NZ Camera Cars work NZ-wide. We offer film vehicles in different configurations, as you will see from viewing our website. Our vehicles are based in Auckland and also north of Wellington.

We can transport sensitive or high-end picture vehicles and look after them. Our new three-car transporter can handle anything!

With our full engineering workshop, we can build one-off rigs, and fabricate and repair just about anything.

Contact info and web address here:

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