Kiwis in Berlin
It’s snowing just now - and tomorrow there’s forecast to be a daytime high of minus 9 and minus 13 at night. I’m unexpectedly in Germany, working on a doco based around Kiwis in Berlin at the time of the fall of the Wall in November 1989 and during the 20th anniversary this year. This has created a few logistical issues for this issue of the mag - but we’ve getting there! A couple of casualties of my rush to get to Europe instantly when money appeared suddenly from nowhere are the promised more detailed analysis of your votes regarding the guild name and a couple of other pieces I’ve been wanting to publish all year! But I can tell you that more votes have shifted the ratio of 65/35 % in favour of a name change to 70/30 %. Interestingly, all votes but one in favour of keeping our present name come from people working in the so-called ‘techo’ areas - camera, sound, lighting and grips.
But this is the time of year when we traditionally focus on praise and thanking people - and I’m happy to uphold that tradition! Huge gratitude to Alan of Bright Ideas and to all our contributors; and to Fritha and all the committee people for their unflagging support.
We’d also like to make special mention of Mick Sinclair, a man whose generosity towards us, never mind his wisdom and skill, have been of inestimable benefit both to the guild as a whole and to many individual members.
When I began to compile this issue, I never expected it to turn out as it has - but all of the pieces in this issue could be said to explore the theme of connections, relationships. This seems quite appropriate at the annual time of celebration and reunion… So, as we leave the ‘noughties’ for the ‘teens’, may all your relationships, at work and elsewhere, be joyful and rewarding, both over the Christmas break and in the New Year. Cheers! Prost!