Marg Slater
How long have you been in screen production and how did you get started?
A friend asked if I could type! If so, could I go into a new production company, Cinco Cine, for a week back in 1989. I worked there for around 18 months before going freelance, starting my own company in 1994.
Why did you choose film/TV as a career?
I didn’t - it chose me. I fell into it but felt I belonged from the first time I went on set. Storytelling - seeing a script come to life on the screen. Collaboration. The people.
What do you believe the industry - and the government - should do to strengthen the industry?
Training, training, training.
Why have you chosen to join/rejoin the Guild. What do you want and expect of the Guild?
Reconnect with crew from back in the day but also to connect with the many new crew, and to support the kaupapa of the Guild, they are pivotal to the future of the industry.
What strengths do you think the NZ industry has? How do you see New Zealand's industry growing in the future?
I’ve always been extremely proud of our work ethic and the connection we have to the whenua which brings so much to the screen. Strengthening the infrastructure in our industry, more work/life balance, develop job sharing opportunities, see a pan-sector body come to fruition and all working to the principles of manaakitanga. Oh, and did I mention industry-led training …