Member Discounts - Update

Exclusive cinema deals, insurance, and more for Guild members.

While doing last year’s tax, I worked out that with the number of cinema movies I see each year, by producing my Techos’ Guild membership card, the discounts I get actually mount up to more than I spend on my Techos membership! It’s as if instead of me paying to join the Guild, the Guild is paying me to go see movies! And then there’s all the other benefits as well…

The Blue Book ($50 otherwise), Safety Code, free legal advice, etc, etc, etc! (See “Why Join” on page 22.)

Last issue, I did a blurb about the International Film Festival and the money Guild members could save on festival tickets. Now we have news about updated discounts for ordinary cinema-going. Mind you, you do need to show your current TG membership card! I missed out one night because I still had my old one in my wallet - the cashier checked the expiry date!

Academy Cinema - Auckland

Gina Dellabarca, now managing the Academy, offers all tickets at $11 - and the great thing is that it applies to any session. (Most cinema discounts for students, pensioners, and beneficiaries are restricted to weekdays before 5pm only. Better to be a screen industry person, for sure!)

Rialto Cinemas

I was quite surprised when one of their managers told me that we now qualified for their Screen Industry Discount. But you could have knocked me down with the proverbial feather when she told me that the ticket price for us was now only $8!!!

And, like the Academy, their discount applies to all sessions.

When you consider that their highest seat price has just increased to $16, that means a massive 50% discount!

The Data Book

Preparation for the new issue is underway. To make it easier for everyone this year, updating can be done by email, and there will be a link so you can see and update your listings online.

If you would like to be included in The Data Book 2009-10, phone 0-9-845 5114, or email

Don’t forget: Basic listings are free, & discounts apply for bigger entries in the Data Book, and also if you buy the Book itself.

(People criticize the Data Book for not being comprehensive enough - but that’s no-one’s fault but ours! If we all list, then it will be what we desire - jobs have come to me through my free listing!)

OnFilm Magazine

Guild members get 14 issues for the annual price for 11.

Mobile Phone Discount

Blue Sky Wireless is now Total Network. Their Discount Scheme now includes landline and broadband deals.

Public Liability Insurance

For Public Liability and Statutory Risk Insurance cover, insurance brokers Mahony, Trendall and Jack have now morphed into Crombie and Lockwood. These are by far the best deals available anywhere - we’ve checked!

And our other regular offers:

  • Autocue Hire: 15% on the daily rate of Prompt Service’s autocue service.
  • Comedy!: Concession prices (usually 20%) to see NZ’s top comedians in action every Thurs to Sat at Auckland’s Classic Comedy Club.
  • Hire Equipment: 35% discount from any of HirePool’s nationwide branches (usual cash term conditions apply).
  • Interisland Travel: Techos members can get group rates when booking direct with the Interislander - phone 0800 878 898.
  • Medical Insurance: Southern Cross ensures Guild members access to quality healthcare, at rates not available to the general public.
  • Paint and Painting Supplies: Resenes have varying discounts from 25% to 40% on all their paints, brushes, and accessories. Say “Filmcrew Staff Account.”
  • Sunglasses: 15% on all glasses at Sunglass Bar in Auckland and Wellington.

More to come…!

For full details on all these discount offers, visit the Member Benefits page of the Guild website:

We used to say: All this for the equivalent of a Cup of (decent) Coffee per week! Recently the Guild reluctantly raised our fees - but coffee prices have also risen lately, so we’ll make it now: Guild membership is still the price of a decent Latté per week!

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