Navigating Uncertainty Together

A call for collaboration, support, and resilience as New Zealand’s screen industry plans its post-Covid recovery.

Where to start this article? With the shutdown of all production and consequent complete lockdown across the country, it is understandable that everyone will be feeling the pressure of where to for the industry from here. The sector was going into a new phase, with production being more stable and international production on the increase. Now we are looking at an uncertain future, but we are not alone.

I want to send my heartfelt thoughts out to all of you and your families at this time. While everyone is isolated in their bubbles, I’ve found this is also a time to reach out to family, old friends, and colleagues and check-in and see how they are doing. Everyone will be coping in different ways. I think the critical point at the moment to remember is it won’t go on forever.

You would have seen emails coming out from the guild over the last week or so, these included some vital information and links to support our members including:

  1. Safe To Talk: New Zealand’s national mental health helpline number. It is free to text or call this number 1737 anytime to talk with a trained counsellor. More Info
  2. Coping with Financial Stress: This pdf discusses financial stress and lists contact information for various support groups and agencies. More Info
  3. Accessing the COVID-19 Wage Subsidy: If you haven’t applied for the wage subsidy, check the link below to see if you qualify. The payments are being processed in between 2-7 days. More Info

With the creation of the Screen Sector COVID-19 action group in the last week, many key industry guilds and organizations, as well as major stakeholders, have come together to look to the future and create a plan to get our sector up and running again.

If you haven’t already visited, this website is a central hub with the latest information across the sector. This website will be updated as new information comes in around the present situation. Check out the about us page for more information or join the email list. Sioux Macdonald (Vice President of the guild) and I are working with this group to represent our members and your voice.

Please contact the guild on with any concerns, ideas, or questions you may have. We want to hear from you. We will continue to email you with the latest updates from the group to keep you informed of the progress we are making. We will work on your behalf at this time to make sure all crew is represented in these talks. The guild has been talking to the central government to advocate assistance that can benefit our members to get through this crisis.

We will be sending out surveys over this period to capture the challenges the screen sector is facing and how best to assist the ongoing dialogue with the government. We urge you to participate in these surveys, so we have a clear picture of the reality of your situation.

This is a time to get creative either in the garden, kitchen, and with the kids. Taking time to get out for a walk, read, create online content, please share your stories with us. We will be working through this period, we are available on +64 09 889 9522 (always dial 09 – even from Auckland) or on email to answer your questions, or if you have some ideas, you would like to share with the broader membership let us know.

With all of this said and done, the most important thing is keeping safe and well. We are all in this together, not just here in New Zealand but globally. Let’s work together to make a plan once we come out on the other side and get our sector humming again.

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