New SCOP on the Way
The Guild Safety Subcommittee is developing an updated Code of Practice to replace the 1995 SCOP (Code of Practice for Safety & Health in the New Zealand Film and Video Production Industry). Significant changes in the new Code include a new environmental section outlining various responsibilities under different Acts as well as best practice, risk assessment and hazard management processes.
New format
The new format will be radically different. It will only be available as an online PDF. Downloadable either in its entirety or in individual components.
Technical sections
The 1995 Technical Sections will be renamed ‘Craft and Activity Sections’ and will contain ‘info sheets’ that can be used individually. Content may vary in each section but will generally aim to cover:
- relevant legislation
- hazards
- risk assessment
- precautionary measures
- environmental considerations
- competencies (minimum experience and/or certification where required)
- craft and activity specific text
- checklists (where appropriate)
- links (internal and external).
This new Code will be a ‘living document’ in that any component can be added or updated at any time.
We need you!
The new Code needs technical content input from each craft group. The Guild is calling for expressions of interest. If you want to be part of a craft group panel get in touch: safety@nztecho.com