NZFC Professional Development Awards
This New Zealand Film Commission (NZFC) initiative offers up to ten Professional Development Awards per year to filmmakers and film professionals across the industry. Applicants who have feature film credits in their field of expertise may apply for up to $5,000 to help cover the costs of a significant professional development opportunity.
Applicants must demonstrate how their nominated activity or attachment will help them develop their skills. Please note also that while these awards may be used to cover international master-classes and workshops, the funds are not intended to pay for general tertiary training costs.
Recently film composer, Marshall Smith was awarded $5,000 to attend the Billboard and Hollywood Reporter two-day Film and Music Conference. Actor, James Trevena-Brown was awarded $5,000 to undertake a unique opportunity to spend three weeks in LA being coached and trained by Hollywood greats **Kurt Russell **and Goldie Hawn. Karl Schodt was awarded $4715 to spend time at The Sony Technology centre to learn the new equipment and techniques in Stereoscopic 3D cinematography.
We receive a number of applications each year but not many from technical film professionals. The award is available to be applied for at any time and is for all film professionals with a feature credit in their chosen field.
If you wish to discuss further you can do so by contacting Bonnie Slater, professional development executive at the NZFC, phone (04) 894 1957, or email bonnie@nzfilm.co.nz.
If you wish to apply you should provide a proposal that contains a completed cover sheet (which can be found on the NZFC website), personal statement, description of the specific opportunity for which you are applying for support, letter of acceptance in relation to application to attend a workshop or master-class or letter of commitment from the organisation or individual concerned in relation to an attachment with a professional mentor or company, budget and one-page CV.
Once you receive the award, you will be required to provide a cost report, stills of you attending the event and a written report of your experiences on completion of the activity.
“To be in the same room as some of the greatest Hollywood film composers was extremely inspiring and educational. The award also allowed me to network extensively at the conference and beyond, and has opened the door for ongoing collaborations and business opportunities that I hope will create growth in our business for the benefit of NZ-based musicians and composers.” – Marshall Smith