NZTECHO #89 Highlights

Mid-year reflections, new contributions from Dunedin, and upcoming health-focused articles for the screen industry.

Hi all,

And welcome to issue #89 of NZTECHO magazine. It’s been a particularly enjoyable one to put together. During the production of the last issue, back in the mists of time of March, I was still doing an impression of a Grip on a terrific local feature film, and both Crew Wellington and Crew Auckland were going completely mental with work coming in and new members joining.

Now, mid – year, with an Antarctic blast covering all the best bits of the country and a few big productions winding down, at least temporarily, it’s a luxury to be able to write this at my desk, with a mug of tea. The last editorial was literally tapped out on my iPhone, at about 10pm, parked up in my van at the top of Wai-nui-o-mata hill. Great days.

And, we have some great content too. I approached the ACC about contributing regular pieces on health risks in our industry, particularly for onset workers, and they have come back with a terrific article on concussion. We are already planning a piece on melanoma for issue #90, just in time for the sunshine!

We also welcome the Dunedin office to our gang. Rebecca and the crew will be contributing a regular newsletter from the country’s prettiest city, and they have put together a great piece on the industry and opportunities in the region. Welcome!

Plus, all your usual columns and diaries are here.

And finally, due to a production error, a vital passage was omitted from Chris Hiles’ ‘newbie’ column in NZTECHO 88. We profoundly regret that this happened, and we are pleased to have the opportunity to run the piece in full in this issue. And also to welcome Jymi Best as this issue’s ‘newbie’.

Love your work, GT and Jason.

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