Reflecting on Mental Health
We are heading into the second quarter of the year. The sector is starting to get into production on several projects with more in the pipeline. There is a glimmer of hope over the horizon. We realise that COVID is still hitting many households, and juggling crew isolation isn't easy to manage. With RAT testing available to everyone, we hope that the management of COVID becomes easier and everyone is taking care out there.
The past two years have taken their toll on everyone, from the highs of being super busy to complete lockdowns. The feast to famine phases add financial and mental stress on everyone in the sector; even though this has been a part of the industry for a long time, it highlights the need for sustainability and how factors outside our control dictate the continuation of projects.
This issue of the NZTECHO magazine highlights mental health.
Looking at mental health isn’t an easy subject. There are so many factors that come into play, and everyone has different life experiences that can trigger them and their mental health. Financial stress, work environment, and personal challenges all play a role. The additional pressures that COVID has brought to the table make it understandable that mental health in our sector is a concern.
At the end of this article is a list of organisations where you can get support. I will continue to send these out on occasion in our newsletters, and I urge anyone who needs help or knows someone who please reach out to these organisations.
I would also like to highlight that bullying and any form of harassment is illegal under the WorkSafe legislation (see links for the ScreenSafe guidance below). Bullying and harassment are a genuine concern in our sector. There has been feedback and disclosures from people in the industry, and I realise this adds to the mental health issues we are currently experiencing. ScreenSafe has engaged an external support person available to anyone in our sector experiencing any form of bullying or harassment. Please email info@screenguild.co.nz (confidentially), and I will connect you with our support person. This service is free and funded by the NZ Film Commission. Bullying and harassment do not have a place in our sector. It is time to draw a line in the sand and say we are doing things differently now, and we want to have a safe, healthy environment for everyone working in the sector.
With this in mind, ScreenSafe will be starting up the Professional Respect Training workshops again in person in May (COVID allowing). We are also working on ways to bring the workshops to the sector over zoom to continue this program and work towards the culture shift our sector needs to make. The workshop gives everyone who attends, tools to work towards the prevention of Sexual Harassment, what to do if you have experienced Sexual Harassment or how to support someone if they come to you and have experienced Sexual Harassment. Even though this workshop focuses predominately on Sexual Harassment, we address bullying and other forms of harassment. We do cover support information on these topics in the workshop. We urge everyone to call out any bullying or harassment behaviour they see, or please talk to your Health and Safety Officer/ Crew Rep or HOD/Producer. If you don’t feel comfortable doing so, please contact me, and I will connect you with our external support person in complete confidence. Every person has the right to go to work in a safe environment. As we say in the workshops, “There is no hierarchy to respect.”
We also ask everyone to put Health, Safety, and well-being at the forefront of their minds and respect our Health and Safety teams. The people in these roles are there to ensure you are safe and well. They are there to prevent you from ending up in a hospital or worse, just like a nurse or doctor would if you were in the hospital. Just look out for each other we all know how challenging this environment can be.
ScreenSafe has also released the reviewed Working with Children Guidance, Code of Conduct, and Reporting form. I urge everyone in production to read through this information to be clear on the best practice when working with children. ScreenSafe engaged Safeguard the Children to work on the review. I have included the links to the documents below:
Here are some Mental Health support, coping with financial stress and WINZ information:
1. For mental health support:https://
Other mental health support available: https://www.health.govt.nz/your-health/
Helplines: https://mentalhealth.org.nz/
Hearts & Minds: https://www.heartsandminds.
2. If you are experiencing money concerns please see: https://depression.org.nz/
3. Not working at the moment: https://
Please look out for each other and if you have any concerns don’t hesitate to contact me confidentially on info@screenguild.co.nz
Ngā mihi nui,