Reflecting on Our Industry
Guild member and camera operator** Peter Janes **shares a highlight from his 45-year career.
“I was working for the NZBC in the late 60s/early 70s and this was its first big drama The Killing of Kane, shot in Hawera in January 1970.
Chris Thompson was director, Waynne Williams was DOP,** Leo Shelton **his 1st AC, Derek Williams was sound op and Janice Finn was script supervisor. Geoffrey Murphy and Alun Bollinger were also there with the Acme Sausage Company crane. I was there to look pretty. We also had some NZBC lighting people and other support. We shot on an Arri BL 16 with a zoom lens. I can’t remember the film stock but I’m pretty sure it was black and white. We had Miller tripods with wooden legs in those days.”
Do you have television and film photos from years gone by?
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