Remembering Kevin Magill

Honoring the life and contributions of Kevin "Kev" Magill, a beloved figure in the industry.

At the very end of last year we were reminded just how tight knit we are in this industry when we lost one of our own. Kevin Magill ‘Kev’ was a location manager, location scout, transport captain, and all round good bastard. To many of us, it seemed that Kev had been around forever, and would probably see most of us off. But someone up there took a look at the hours on his invoice, and decided that Kevin had done enough OT for one lifetime.

Kev was the first face we saw on so many jobs, and if it was

4am in the morning, pissing down, and you had been up since 2.30am to get a truck to location, there was no face you would rather see. Cheers Kevin, and thank you.

By Graeme Tuckett

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