Remembering Paul Francis Richards

Remembering a respected cinematographer, mentor, and cherished friend of the screen industry.

Paul was a true gentleman of the industry. A gifted documentary cinematographer, a hugely respected industry figure and mentor to many. He had a quick turn of phrase, and was quick with a joke and always a cheeky smile. He helped so many start out in the industry and some of those people became life-long friends.

His calm and decisive demeanour meant he was always your number one go-to doco cameraman. He was a wonderful father to Holly and Ed. He had a love for the wilderness and in his early days was a very active tramper. He played golf very averagely and was fond of a good whiskey.

One of the giants of the forest has fallen. Oh Great Spirit of life and spirit of the North Raki we ask you for strength and warmth. Te Rerenga Wairu where the spirits leap may your journey be swift my old friend.


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