Spotlight on the South

Discover world-class crew, locations, and equipment in New Zealand’s dynamic film region.

The Real X-Factor Of Our Region And Why You Should (Re)Consider Shooting Here

It’s no secret that our region is home to diverse and beautiful locations, and has hosted thousands of productions including TVCs, high-profile feature films and TV series. This has resulted in what we consider the real X-factor of the area: world-class crew and equipment based in this globally remote location. You can search the world over—it’s a truly unique offering.

The screen industry is in a state of flux and our region is adapting and embracing this change. We don’t have a crystal ball, but from all accounts the halcyon days of peak seasons filled with back-to-back large international TVCs appears to be on the way out. The upside is that there is an increase in new forms of content being produced — video on demand, branded content and more.

We’re looking to adapt our offering and capitalize on this. We have crew who have recognized this change and are pursuing the opportunities created by this shift. While we are still poised to service the international TVC market as well as ever, it’s now more likely there will be locally-based crew available for your next drama or feature film throughout the entire year.

The crew here are locals with a global mindset. They’ve worked with just about every A-list creative team in the screen industry. They’ve built their toolkit by learning from the cream of the creative crop — from Auckland and Wellington to Hollywood and Bollywood and everywhere in-between. Our crew also thrive in our demanding environments and in extreme conditions. From working through blizzards to a scorching Central Otago summer’s day, they are battle-hardened and deliver the goods. These skills and attitudes are now being shared with a new generation of crew, and we think the future’s looking exciting.

The globally remote nature of our location is offset by the large range of equipment based here. The cutting-edge gear is fit for purpose and proven in our unique environment. We’re often told by visiting producers, directors and HODs that they’re astonished by the quality and quantity of what’s available down here. A vast array of camera packages, lenses, purpose-built grip gear, helicopter mounts and more ensure you get your shot with the highest production value in the world, period. Top-notch catering and commando unit services keep you well-fueled and ready for the elements. We’re also home to a number of certified drone/UAV operators with CAA 102 certification, which is now required at many locations. Established art departments, make-up artists, talent agents… the list goes on. Our experienced production departments ensure you get what you need, where you need it, when you need it.

See for yourself—check out the Industry Directory on our new website:

Who Are Film Otago Southland?

As the regional film office, Film Otago Southland (FOS) acts as a point of coordination for filming activity within the region—ensuring access, striving to maximize the economic benefits and opportunities for local film professionals, and raising the region’s profile as a world-class location in which to do business.

We operate as a Trust, funded by contributing councils and other organisations, as follows: Queenstown Lakes District Council, Venture Southland, Southern Institute of Technology, Invercargill City Council, Central Otago District Council, Waitaki District Council and Dunedin City Council. We’re fortunate to have great relationships with these councils and film-friendly Mayors, which helps to streamline the permitting process and facilitate individual productions where necessary.

The film office is also part of the Regional Film Offices of New Zealand (RFONZ), which takes a collaborative approach to national and regional issues and opportunities, and advocates for the wider industry. We also work closely with the NZFC in trying to attract productions to New Zealand.

A successful initiative that helps nourish the New Zealand industry and encourage production to the region is our Writers in Residence Programme. Our first ever Writer in Residence was Jackie Van Beek with THE INLAND ROAD (look at her now!) Since then, we’ve had a wide variety of writers who have active projects in development with an Otago or Southland connection, and we look forward to the next one shooting here.

A Focus On Location Access

A key part of what we do is enabling access to our world-class locations – they’re of no use if we can’t access them. Our local Location Scouts are experts in finding your perfect location and getting your permits in the short (and getting shorter) lead times required by the industry—even in UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Film Otago Southland and our local industry have worked hard to develop fantastic relationships with guardians, councils, and landowners to cultivate a film-friendly environment. We are constantly working on maintaining and increasing access in areas that are under increased pressure from a variety of user groups. Upcoming draft National Park Management Plans for Mt. Cook and Westland will further challenge access with proposed restrictions to aircraft and drones, and we will be submitting on these plans to try to continue enabling access for responsible users from across New Zealand.

Our quarterly Location Access Round Table meetings are an opportunity for the industry and relevant agencies to provide input and to connect with each other - you’re invited, get involved.

Meet The Team

KJ Jennings is the Executive Manager of FOS, and is a certified film commissioner (CFC) who’s lived in Queenstown for the last thirty years. His focus is on relationship building to: enable location access, promote the region and our unique capabilities, and raise the positive profile of our local industry. This positive profile is crucial for when the proverbial hits the fan and we need political or community support to find an 11th hour solution. KJ is also Chairman of the Association of Film Commissioners International (AFCI). This gives him a unique opportunity to network, as well as ensure that we are up to speed with the best film offices in the world. This is particularly useful when it comes to lobbying for access, as we’re able to put the most convincing case forward by utilizing successful strategies that we learn from other offices.

Kahli Scott is the Film Office Coordinator, who helps with production enquiries, website and image library management, office operations, communications and marketing, and community engagement (if you’re not following the Film Otago Southland Instagram account, you’re missing out). She is able to offer valuable insight into the developing world of the screen industry, with a background working for international events like Cannes Lions and the International Broadcasting Convention (IBC).

Antony Deaker is a new addition to the mix — he manages Film Dunedin and is there to help with Dunedin-specific enquiries. We actively collaborate under the FOS umbrella.

The Big Picture

The New Zealand film industry has earned an enviable global reputation for locations, ingenuity, and talent, we are proud of what our region contributes to such an awesome overall offering. Let’s ensure we continue to work together to put our best foot forward as we navigate the uncertain yet exciting future of our changing screen industry.

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