Summer Highlights and Techos' Stories
We’re fast approaching daylight savings and that’s got to be a good thing. A bit hard to believe though that Christmas won’t be far off and we’ll be enjoying December’s festivities by the time our next magazine comes out.
On the topic of summer, we’re really pleased to bring you a feature about Bethells Beach. I was struck, while writing this piece, by just how much this stunning location hub in outer Auckland means to so many of you. It seems most crew had a story or two to tell about jobs there. While I’m sure the sentiment of Bethells Beach reaches far beyond the Bombay Hills, we hope this article provides an overview of this unique spot to technicians all around the country.
We’re also delighted to share a story by young filmmaker Vincent Paunovic about his courageous (and often dangerous) journey around Papua New Guinea, with co-filmmaker Scott Elder, documenting the practice of sorcery and its horrendous aftermath. We really wish these two all the best with their self-funded documentary.
Thank you to Jan Sisley for her contribution of two articles. While over 100 of you attended safety workshops (held in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch) in June, Jan’s coverage of the event ensures all of you who couldn’t attend are included. Largely the outcome from the workshop was that much discussion was had about safety, it’s hoped that industry collaboration and changing cultures will eventually lead to positive change around safety. Jan’s second piece covers the screen industry election talk in August.
As always, it’s fantastic to share stories from technicians from all around the country. Ruby Cumming, production manager on the short film Click Clack Click, showcases an example of new and seasoned technicians working together on a tricky shoot.
Thanks to all our magazine ‘regulars’ (Karla, Albol, Tim, Sioux, Graeme and KJ) and also our profile and ‘back in the day’ contributors (Waka, Lesley and Liam). This magazine just wouldn’t exist without the support of its members. Of course, a big thank you to our advertisers too.
Carolyn Brooke, editor