Supporting Our Screen Sector

Reflections on 2019 and Plans for Empowering SIGANZ Members in the Year Ahead

Kia ora fellow SIGANZ members, the holiday season is upon and always a time for reflection and planning for another new year ahead.

Well, what a year it has been. When I sat down to write my last article, the industry was a buzz and busy then with the stand-down of Cowboy Bebop it made me realise how in a heartbeat so much can change and how you all as contractors live in a world of some form of uncertainty at any given moment. The timing for our editor Graeme Tuckett’s wonderful article in the last issue surrounding mental health and how important it is that we address these issues as an industry and as a guild couldn’t have been more applicable. We need to be thinking about how can we support our members and each other in this rollercoaster ride of an industry. Part of ScreenSafes mandate is about the holistic side of safety as well as the physical and empowering our members and crew reps on set is something we are looking at for 2020.

I would like us to find a way to look around onset and see those other people who are struggling and reaching out and offer some support where you can. We are looking at further training in the new year, so please watch this space.

I would also like to remember those people who have passed away this year and the significant contribution they made to our guild and industry as a whole, and my thoughts are with their loved ones at this time.

So how about 2020? This week the executive committee is meeting to make a plan to see what we want to achieve for you in the upcoming year. There are training programs we would like to run and collaborate with other guilds as well as starting to work on a revised and more in-depth rate card that represents years of experience. We will be asking you has members to contribute to this project. Once we have more details, we will be asking for your input so we can get a better picture of what should be charged, depending on what sort of production you are working on.

With Brendon Durey taking the reins as the president (see his article in this issue), there is a new vision for the guild, and we will be working closely to see this roll out over the year ahead.

It was wonderful to see a number of our members at the Christmas Guild party here in Auckland last week. It has made me realise how these get-togethers are so essential, and I would like to do more of them over the year so everyone can get to talk and meet and greet.

I have found this year a very exciting learning curve. It has given me some great insight into some gaps in our industry that we can fill for our members. The most significant part of it is to remember that “There is no hierarchy to respect” the message from the Professional Respect Training we are rolling out in the new year. Each person plays a vital role in the cog of this screen sector and to remember that no matter how stressful things can be at times to respect each other professional and personal boundaries.

So with productions winding down for the break and some starting to take off in the new year, I wish you all a very safe and happy holiday season. I look forward to meeting more of you next year as we roll out some workshops and other initiatives. If you have any ideas or want a chat, please contact me. I am here to support you and would love to hear your thoughts and ideas.

I would also like to extend big warm welcome to all of our new members, we have seen an incredible uptake over the last few months and I look forward to working with you all!

So, for now, Ngā mihi o te Kirihimete me te Tau Hau,


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