Techos' Guild Overview

Understanding the structure, roles, and representatives of the Guild as it navigates industry challenges.

Techos’ Guild 101

Kia ora all. Well, as we head towards the end of 2016, it’s time to start tidying up loose ends, getting into ship-shape for hopefully smooth sailing into 2017.

On 26 October, the Guild had its 2016 AGM. Following the meeting there were a few changes to our branch and executive committees. So, as issue 71 is the last issue of NZTECHO for the year it seems sensible to introduce you to your elected executive and branch representatives for the coming year.

Before I introduce you to the line-up I thought we should revisit how the Guild operates (for those unfamiliar with the Guild structure). We published something similar some years ago but with a changing membership – and for those who need to be reminded how it all fits together – here is a re-cap of ‘Techos’ Guild 101’. It might make for slightly dry reading but what we do is serious business so take a breath and read on.

The organisation is – in essence – you, its members! Within the wider screen industry, the Guild is a highly respected organisation with unanimous support from many organisations to encourage Guild membership.

We comprise a National Executive (the ‘Board’) and three regional branch committees in Auckland, Wellington and Queenstown. Each branch having its own chair and branch secretary. We have a president and vice president nominated and voted for by you, the members, and a national treasurer, also nominated by the members but ratified by the executive committee. On a day-to-day basis we operate through the executive officer (moi) and an accounts officer (the lovely Jane Scott).

The national executive and branch committees are made up of people just like you, industry colleagues who have volunteered to be on the committees. Unlike many other industry organisations all our executive and committee representatives have worked in the screen industry, on the coal face so to speak, so they call from experience in their fields of expertise when it comes to decision making on behalf of the wider membership.

The national executive looks at how best to guide the Guild into the future and lays out the parameters for the successful operation of the organisation and is responsible for calling the AGMs in liaison with the executive officer.

The branch committees are there on a ‘close-to-home’ basis. The branch committee is responsible to call branch meetings but, moreover, this is instigated by the branch chair. Ideally each branch should have around 5-6 meetings per year. Branch meetings are a great opportunity to address or clarify issues members are having within the industry and finding solutions. The branch meetings also offer the opportunity to have a drink, socialise and network with fellow technicians away from the job. Both the executive and branch committees may also organise local events and get-togethers such as family outings, speaking to film schools or assisting the EO with workshops, benefit and membership drives.

We also have smaller committees (or individuals) who are tasked with specific purposes such as The Blue Book reviews, the Guild name change, the formation of ScreenSafe and most recently the proposal of a Technicians Welfare Fund. Behind the scenes there is always constant work being done in an effort to improve life in the screen industry.

Then of course there is myself as executive officer. I am charged with the day-to-day running of the Guild which includes dealing with Immigration NZ, ensuring we employ suitable NZ citizens before overseas workers, membership and membership concerns, the publishing of NZTECHO, government liaison, publicity, general enquiries, arbitration of disputes and more.

So there you have it and, without further ado, I introduce to you on page 14 your Guild representatives.

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