The FC Says "Yes"!

Gratitude for NZFC support following strategic meeting and contribution to the Guild's goals.

In case you’ve not seen our last issue of NZTECHO, we wrote a little blurb in it about the NZFC’s Strategic Direction meeting in Auckland in June, to which the Commission so kindly invited us. Unfortunately, that issue went to print just before we received the a letter informing us of the grant of $20,000 that they’ve found for us this financial year - so we had to hold our warm expression of gratitude till this issue.

Obviously, it’s tempting to conclude that new CEO Graeme Mason (at right) was influential to some degree at least in the decision in our favour, after our years of rejection. (See NZTECHO, Dec 08.) If so, we applaud his appointment once again!

Unsurprisingly, it’s not as much as we had hoped for - but $20K is a substantial contribution that will help hugely in our goal of improving our service to both the wider industry and our members. And so we sincerely thank all the NZFC staff involved in the decision - not just for the money, but also for the associated recognition of the Guild’s position within the NZ screen production industry. In many ways that means as much to us as the dosh, we can assure you.

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