The Nat Exec User Guide
As we approach the 2010 AGM it seems timely to explain the roles of the National Executive and three regional Branch Committees.
The National Executive is essentially the Guild’s ‘Board’: it looks at the big picture and determines the strategic and operational priorities for the Guild. It oversees the successful operation of the organisation via the setting and consideration of policy in the best interests of its members. Board members use their skills and contacts to build Guild membership.
Branch Committees (in Auckland, Wellington, and Queenstown) are there to keep in touch with members closer to home – they are your first port of call if you have an idea or issue you’d like to bring to the Guild’s attention. Branch Committees may organise local events and get-togethers such as family outings or workshops (so rattle them up a little if this hasn’t been the case lately in your neighborhood). The Branch Committees select the National Executive.
Finally, from time to time, the Guild may also form subcommittees to assist with specific tasks or activities e.g., the NZTecho and Safety subcommittees. Any member of the Guild may be co-opted to a committee for a specific purpose.
Your current National Executive and Branch Committees
These mighty folk are volunteers, who serve on the Nat Exec and the local Branch Committees as your representatives. They’re here to listen and are keen to help as best they can. If you feel you may have something to contribute or are curious about perhaps joining a committee, have a chat to any of them. It’s not hard. It may even be fun.
Alun Bollinger (AlBol), PRESIDENT, Director of Photography
Annie Frear*, VICE PRESIDENT, Grip
David Madigan**, TREASURER / IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT, Sound Recordist
The above are joined on the National Executive by all bar five of the Branch Committee members below. Those five are indicated at the bottom of this page.
Jennifer Butcher***, CHAIR, First Assistant Director
Brendon Durey, SPFX Supervisor
Tony Forster, First Assistant Director
Zara Hayden, Production Coordinator
Steve King, Various, including AD, Ed, Autocue
Dot Kyle, Production
Sioux Macdonald, Managing Director, Film Crew Services Ltd
Murray Milne, Director of Photography
Paul Richards**, Director of Photography
Dean Thomas, Camera - Video Assist
Nick Treacy, Sound Recordist
Carey Johnson****, CHAIR, Production Manager
Ken Saville, Sound Recordist
Jules Lovelock, Camera
Adrian ‘Wookie’ Hebron, Gaffer
Josh Dunn, CHAIR, Grip
Brett Mills, Gaffer
George Wilson, Grip**