Truck Driving's New Laws

New rules for work hours, breaks, and overtime for crew driving trucks.

A Truck Driver’s 24-hour day (even if driving time is only 15 minutes of the day!):

  • 13 hours cumulative (total) work time – maximum!
    • 1 hour of standard breaks (30 minutes x 2),
    • 10 hours off before next shift (“Turn Around” equivalent).

BREAKS: Must be at least 30 minutes each, and each taken after a maximum of 5.5 hours work.

Blue Book work day, “Model A” - 10 hrs + 45 mins (page 19):

For Crew driving a truck - standard long-term engagement:

  • 10 hrs work + 45 mins lunch + no longer than 30 minutes driving both pre-call & post-wrap = 11 hours 45 mins TOTAL.
  • Provided these times are kept to precisely(!), the new rules are not transgressed for either total hours OR breaks.
  • Provided the day contains no more than 1 hr 15 mins overtime in total, AND a second break is taken during the after-lunch work period, the new rules are not transgressed for either total hours OR breaks.

Blue Book work day, “Model B” - 11 hrs 15 mins + 45 mins (page 20):

For Crew driving a truck - standard long-term engagement:

11 hrs 15 mins work + 45 mins lunch (taken 5 hours maximum after crew call) + no longer than 30 minutes driving both pre-call and post-wrap = 13 hours TOTAL.

  • Provided times contain no more than 1 hour overtime in total, the new rule for total hours in a day is not transgressed.

When lunch is taken 5 hours maximum after crew call (with pre-call driving no more than 30 mins):

  • Break 1 rule is not transgressed.

**However: **The afternoon shift then = 6 hrs 15 mins; and with 30 mins driving post-wrap = 6 hrs 45 mins.

  • Break 2 rule is transgressed unless a second 30-minute break is taken by the person who drives the truck.

So, for a “Model B” working day, even with no overtime, a truck driver must EITHER take a second break OR a swing driver (also within 5.5 hours work time including travel) must be used.

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