WIFT Writes

Clarifying WIFT's film focus, professional development efforts, and reliance on NZFC funding.

In your recently published article about NZFC funding for the Techos’ Guild, you questioned Women in Film and Television’s eligibility for Commission funding on the basis of a mistaken belief that the majority of our members work in television. WIFT wishes to confirm that not only do the majority of our 420 members work predominantly in the film arena, but that many who are involved in television actually work across the industry, including in film.

In addition, we would like to point out that we are actively involved in professional development in the film sector, through activities which include a dedicated mentoring programme, regular workshops and seminars, internships, networking and communications initiatives. Some of these are focused in technical areas and many are open to members and non-members across genders; all are delivered with one full-time staff member only and minimal overheads.

WIFT is proud of its capacity-building contributions to the industry, all of which are reliant on critical NZFC funding. We also remain committed to working with and supporting guilds and other industry support bodies, including the Techos’ Guild.

Anne O’Brien is the Executive Director of WIFT NZ, representing over 420 women across NZ.

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