Winter Industry Update
Hi all,
And welcome to the chilly winter edition of NZTECHO. It’s an issue that has been put together in a variety of challenging circumstances, and we are pretty happy that it exists at all.
You’ll find an expansive and information packed article from our friends at Screen Auckland, on the ways in which the Auckland City Council works to assist the industry, and what they expect in return. For our next issue, we are hoping to run equivalent pieces from Wellington and Queenstown councils.
Our man in –Otaki, Waka Attewell has made a truly lyrical contribution on a project he has found himself involved in.
It’s important in this business to keep an eye on the ‘why’ films are made as well as the ‘how’ which is our bread and butter. Waka is one of the people who constantly reminds me of that. Thanks buddy.
I’m also stoked with our ‘newbie’ profile for this issue. When I saw Marty’s name on the list of people who have recently joined the Guild I knew he would be the first one I called to interview for the section. As usual, he has gone above and beyond and written us a really thoughtful piece that goes further than most profiles.
Hopefully, by the time this issue reaches your mailbox next week, we might even have a bit of good news re work. We all know the last few months have been deathly quiet, and how dispiriting that can be, especially for new crew who haven’t been through a slump before. Hang in there, it does get better. Always.