A Special Interim Edition
Back in the middle of 2013, I was the editor chosen to relaunch the legendary (dare I say ‘iconic’?) ONFILM magazine. For reasons, none of which to do with the film industry and everything to do with the state of independent publishing in NZ, it was a short-lived exercise but I enjoyed that brief period burying myself behind-the-scenes.
I’m stoked that Karla has asked me to edit this issue (while Graeme has been busy with multiple projects and international travel). There’s something very special about Kiwi crews and – as I’m a reviewer of the finished product – you can usually see that specialness on the screen. It’s been a pleasure to reacquaint myself with the business and the issues that concern you.
In this issue, you will find Waka’s vivid pen-portrait of the NZCS awards, a further step forward in publicly celebrating the quality of those behind the camera; Kimberley Hikaka reminding us that some people have bigger things to worry about than shooting film and that production skills learned on set can change people’s lives in war-torn or disaster-struck locations; and Aliesha Staples’ article about the next generation of virtual reality gear reminded me of that famous phrase from hockey player Wayne Gretzky: “Don’t skate to where the puck is, skate to where the puck will be.”
And there are two articles on the business side of contracting – insurance and dispute resolution – that should be required reading for any industry where contractors work long and stressful hours.
It’s been a pleasure to be back with you.
Dan Slevin, interim editor dan@danslevin.com