NZTECHO's Flu-impacted Issue

Issue #93 delayed due to flu, includes diverse features on New Zealand's film industry.

Hi all,

And welcome to issue #93. After our last issue being delayed as pretty much everybody who was contributing got sick, I guess it's only karma that this issue was delayed for a week because the editor got the flu. For the first three days, I thought it was the virus again. But when I started actually feeling better by day four, I figured it was just a dose of whatever flu's are circulating this year.

According to the Ministry of Health, there's at least three strains of influenza in the country at the moment, and at least one of them is a real bastard. Since the borders have been mostly closed since 2020, our immune systems are way behind where they should be. So, even people like me, who have never bothered to get a flu shot, because we have never really been that sick before, are well advised to take care and get a jab. Trust me, I wish to hell I had before it was too late.

Anyway, #93 is here now, and it is packed.

You will find the first in a new series we are launching about New Zealand's film service and supply companies. Grip HQ are a foundation stone of the modern New Zealand film industry and we are proud to highlight Spotty and his crews in this issue. If you want your company to be the focus of a feature in NZTECHO, let us know.

We are also running pieces on the role of horse trainers in the industry, and on the amazing role the 48 Hour Film Competition has played in developing new film-making talent over the last twenty years.

As well, you will find quarterly wrap-ups from all our regions and contributions from President Brendon Durey and Kelly Lucas at the Guild.

We also run two tributes, to two absolute gentlemen of the industry. Legendary Auckland AD and friend to everyone he met, Paul Grinder. And to the veteran and hugely respected Wellington Sound Recordist, Paul Chattington - Chatts.

And, we have lost another great one this month. The director, mentor, writer, curator and all-round good bastard Luit Bieringa has been a luminous and well-loved figure in several industries over the decades, and film was definitely one of them. Farewell Luit, and our love and gratitude to you, Jan and Sven, Olive and Kris.

Enjoy, stay safe - and get a flu' jab. Seriously.

GT and Jason.

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