Closing 2022 With Highlights

Celebrating milestones, reflecting on legends, and gearing up for a brighter screen industry in 2023.

Kia Ora!

And welcome to the last NZTECHO of 2022, which we are fighting like bastards to at least get to the printers before the big fella in red is sliding down the grip truck's exhaust pipe. But, we know that every courier and mail person in the country is carrying their own bodyweight in parcels this week, so the chances of this magazine arriving in your mailbox before New Year are still slim to bugger all.

I just wanted you to know that we did everything we could to make it happen!

In this issue, you will find all the usual contributions from around the country, plus a very welcome contribution from Mladen Ivancic - the acting CEO of the Film Commission. We also have a terrific collection of photos and words to announce that the country's newest studio and production facility - Lane Street, in Upper Hutt - is open for business. Bloody impressive it is too.

And we are proud and saddened to print a piece from Ian Mune, on the legendary talents and personality of designer Ron Highfield.

So, at the end of a year like no other - and maybe feeling like this journey through a pandemic that began for us about this time three years ago might finally be ready to roll the credits (no sequels necessary please) - all that is left is to wish you all the best Christmas and New Year of all time, and to say bring on 2023.

Love your work,

Keep safe and keep looking out for each other,

Graeme Tuckett

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