AS/NZS 4249 2022 Recently Superseded AS/NZS 4249 1994
That’s a lovely lot of numbers but what does it mean.
In the following the phrase ‘Film or Television Set’ is used to cover all filming work that we undertake, size of the job is not an excuse to ignore this standard.
Every person involved in Lighting or any Electrical work on a Film or Television set in NZ should be knowledgeable in this and other standards that it references.
AS/NZS 4249 is a joint Standard developed between New Zealand and Australia specifying safe working and installation practices for the supply and use of electricity for equipment, accessories and lighting on limited duration Film and Television sets in both countries.
It has been 28 years since this standard was created and there have been a lot of changes in those years.
The 1994 version was predominantly a safety standard not an installation standard. Since the 1994 version was first published the parent document AS/NZS 3000 Electrical Installations (the Wiring Rules) has been updated and republished 3 times as well as 6 amendments published.
Electrical safety is paramount irrespective of the installation type or use, a complete revision of this standard was required to bring it in line with other electrical installation standards for the safety of persons, premises and livestock.
Also environmental issues must be considered in the new version with the simplest being we do not want electrical fires.
The 4249 2022 is heavily dependent on AS/NZS 3002 2021 Electrical installations - Shows and Carnival events. Knowledge of 3002 is vital as it describes a lot of the groundwork for reticulating power on Film and Television sets.
All electrical work on an installation is required to comply with AS/NZS3000:2007. AS/NZS 3000 also cites other Standards that need to be complied with depending on the type of installation.
In a couple of instances the NZ Standard deviates from the Australian. These were added to enable us to allow the use of electrical equipment that complies in its home country to be used in NZ on a temporary basis for the duration of the production. It must be checked and verified by a Competent person.
Competent person is a term that describes a person who has acquired through training, qualifications, experience or a combination of these the knowledge and skill enabling that person to perform the task required correctly.
Some other deviations for NZ were requested regarding use of multiboxes and tapon 10a plugs but as these went against the AS/NZS 3000 these were not permitted. These are commonly used in NZ but are regulated for the amount of power that can be drawn through multiboxes and the number of Tapon plugs that can be used on one outlet/cable. Please note the use of double adaptors and travel adaptors are not allowed.
AS/NZS 4249 2022 also states that testing of electrical equipment must periodically be tested during the hire if the initial test duration of the items expires during the production, this is from AS/NZS3000 and 3019 is undertaken by a competent person and records must be kept. Note this is not only the lighting and power distribution but every piece of electrical equipment on a production from sets to offices including construction.
This article is to give you awareness of the standard.
If you are involved in lighting or electrical work in our industry please get yourself copies of the standards mentioned and any others that you might find relevant. The safety of our work and the people involved is of paramount importance. Ignorance of these standards is no excuse.
Electrical Standards can be purchased from Standards NZ