Bay of Plenty: A Rising Star in Storytelling and Screen Production
The Bay of Plenty is emerging as a growing hub for storytelling, and we take pride in our commitment to our cultural narratives and storytellers. Recent successes like *Cousins*, *Muru*, and *The Volcano - Rescue from Whakaari* underscore the increasing prominence of storytelling in our region. The DocEdge Festival has contributed to our storytelling culture by showcasing remarkable works like the multi-award-winning *Pacific Mother* (which featured scenes filmed in Ōpōtiki) and *Taking Back our Beach* – a gripping account of New Zealand's largest environmental catastrophe, the Rena grounding, and the exceptional community response to it (filmed in Tauranga).
Additionally, the third season of *Kairakau* and *Ka Whawhai Tonu* has recently wrapped up filming in Rotorua. We're pleased to share that the reality series *Ultimate Escape* chose our region, capitalizing on our diverse landscapes and efficient filming processes. Amy Mangion, Head of Production, kindly expressed her gratitude, stating, "On behalf of the entire production team, I extend my thanks to Film Bay of Plenty for their support. Your dedication to promoting the region and supporting productions has greatly influenced our project, and we value your accessibility."
The second series of the Film Bay of Plenty podcast kicked off with an interview with the Film Bay of Plenty team, offering insight into our mission and identity. Next month, we have Director, Writer, and Gaffer Nicholas Riini. We’ve had some inspiring guests, so be sure to tune in on all your favorite podcast platforms.
We're actively engaged in the local community and are hosting multiple workshops and informative Q&A sessions with accomplished filmmakers. Be sure to mark your calendars for our *Unscripted Television Development Intensive Workshop* in late October, featuring Emmy award-winning TV producer Jon Kroll.
We look forward to sharing more updates in the next issue of NZTECHO. Stay tuned for further developments and captivating stories from the Bay of Plenty.
Jade & Elysia
Film Bay of Plenty
Empowering the Screen Industry in Te Moana-a-Toi