In Memory Of
Remembering Katharine McCoy (ex Curtis)

In Memory Of
Remembering Katharine McCoy (ex Curtis)
A cherished friend, mentor, and steadfast pillar in the film industry.
Katharine McCoy, Kate Curtis, film industry, Greymouth Hospital, Production Manager, Filmcrews, mentor, support, Line Producer, farmer, creative, sewing, weaving, woodwork, pottery, gardening, chef, animal lover, acerbic wit, loyal friend, Sioux, Linda Fenwick
A cherished friend, mentor, and steadfast pillar in the film industry.

Regional Wrap
Auckland: Autumn 2024

Regional Wrap
Auckland: Autumn 2024
Auckland's thriving summer: Dry weather, increasing long-form projects, and proactive support from the Screen Guild.
Auckland, summer, dry weather, TVC sector, long-form projects, international interest, Screen Guild, immigration, Screen Industry Workers Bill, contracts, legal guidance, membership, Minecraft, Spartacus, A Remarkable Place to Die, Zombies 4, Double Parked Season 2, Wolfman, Tears in Rain
Auckland's thriving summer: Dry weather, increasing long-form projects, and proactive support from the Screen Guild.

Regional Wrap
Auckland: Summer 2023

Regional Wrap
Auckland: Summer 2023
Reflecting on challenges and anticipating a thriving 2024 for New Zealand's film industry.
New Zealand, film industry, 2024, productions, Minecraft, Spartacus, Taika Waititi, Klara and the Sun, Blumhouse, Wolfman, Ryan Gosling, Disney+, Night & Day, Blue Book, Guild, networking, industry events, local features, television series, holiday season
Reflecting on challenges and anticipating a thriving 2024 for New Zealand's film industry.

Regional Wrap
Looking Ahead: Optimism for a Thriving 2024 in the Auckland Screen Industry

Regional Wrap
Looking Ahead: Optimism for a Thriving 2024 in the Auckland Screen Industry
Optimism grows as 2024 approaches, with industry recovery, fresh opportunities, and local talent engagement on the horizon.
Sioux Ferguson-Macdonald, industry recovery, advertising confidence, SAG strikes, writers' strikes, international opportunities, Auckland, crew shortages, CV updates, professional networks, Screen Industry Workers Act, filming permits, Auckland Sites and Places of Significance, Blue Book 2023, New Zealand Cinematographers Society, local talent, filming in Auckland, location scouts, Mana Whenua, Screen Auckland, contracts, filming permits, 2024 outlook, local film production, professional development, economic growth.
Optimism grows as 2024 approaches, with industry recovery, fresh opportunities, and local talent engagement on the horizon.

Regional Wrap
Auckland's Industry Pause

Regional Wrap
Auckland's Industry Pause
Reflecting on a production slowdown in Auckland, future hopes, and the importance of preparation.
Auckland film industry, production slowdown, Jason Momoa, Chief of War, Minecraft project, Brokenwood Mysteries, funding challenges, government incentives, TV commercials, post-election recovery, economic uncertainty, production challenges, creative resilience, advertising trends, industry revival, Guild updates, rate cards, CV updates, networking, preparation.
Reflecting on a production slowdown in Auckland, future hopes, and the importance of preparation.

Regional Wrap
Challenges and Opportunities in Auckland

Regional Wrap
Challenges and Opportunities in Auckland
Exploring Auckland’s film resilience amid weather challenges, permitting issues, and future growth prospects.
Auckland, film industry, resilience, weather challenges, floods, cyclone, permitting issues, Apple TV, Chief of War, filming permits, Large Screen Production Grant, recession, international stage, landscapes, kiwi crews, film locations, production challenges, landowner relationships, networking, local productions, future growth.
Exploring Auckland’s film resilience amid weather challenges, permitting issues, and future growth prospects.

Regional Wrap
Navigating Film Industry Shifts

Regional Wrap
Navigating Film Industry Shifts
Examining crew shortages, market challenges, and legislative changes shaping New Zealand’s screen industry.
film industry, crew shortages, TVC market, Covid impact, production delays, screen industry grants, feature films, drama series, Auckland crew training, Sweet Tooth, Chief of War, The Bishop, Screen Industry Workers Bill, contract requirements, New Zealand productions, industry uncertainty, offshore investors, local producers, film legislation, production challenges, screen sector resilience.
Examining crew shortages, market challenges, and legislative changes shaping New Zealand’s screen industry.

Regional Wrap
Navigating Industry Changes

Regional Wrap
Navigating Industry Changes
Preparing for collective bargaining, addressing burnout, and mentoring future talent in New Zealand's screen sector.
Daylight Savings, burnout prevention, Auckland productions, crew mentoring, film industry workforce, industry boom, production studios, Guild initiatives, harassment prevention, bullying policies, Film Industry Workers Bill, collective bargaining, contractor security, employment contracts, MBIE workshops, mentoring new talent, film industry legislation, fair treatment, industry pathways, crew shortages.
Preparing for collective bargaining, addressing burnout, and mentoring future talent in New Zealand's screen sector.

Regional Wrap
Auckland's Film Industry Thrives

Regional Wrap
Auckland's Film Industry Thrives
Amidst ongoing challenges, Auckland's film industry shows resilience with studio expansions and adaptive production strategies.
Auckland film industry, longform productions, studio construction, Covid-19 impact, commercial market recovery, TV commercials, health and safety protocols, Screen Industry Guild, SPADA, NZAPG, Blue Book guidelines, crew contracts, film production conditions, innovative solutions, industry adaptation, crew membership, guild contributions, producer guidelines, film crew engagement, public holiday rates, overtime charges, industry resilience.
Amidst ongoing challenges, Auckland's film industry shows resilience with studio expansions and adaptive production strategies.

Regional Wrap
Auckland's Resilience in Film

Regional Wrap
Auckland's Resilience in Film
Adapting to challenges, Auckland's film industry persists with optimism and a promising production pipeline.
Auckland film industry, Covid-19 challenges, production resilience, long-form projects, Power Rangers, Far North, Under the Vines, The Mistake, One Lane Bridge, Netflix productions, Sweet Tooth, Kura, My Life Is Murder, filming restrictions, Sites of Significance, council regulations, filming permits, Screen Auckland, Auckland Unlimited, industry advocacy, Guild support, Sioux Macdonald.
Adapting to challenges, Auckland's film industry persists with optimism and a promising production pipeline.

Regional Wrap
Auckland's Struggles in Film Industry

Regional Wrap
Auckland's Struggles in Film Industry
Navigating Auckland's challenges with Covid, location restrictions, and production delays in the screen sector.
Auckland, film industry, Covid-19, traffic light system, vaccination certificates, location restrictions, filming challenges, resource consent, location scouts, production delays, Cowboy Bebop, Auckland Council, screen sector, production companies, location management, red tape, film production, Screen Auckland, Mana Whenua, location costs, Auckland Unitary Plan, production crew.
Navigating Auckland's challenges with Covid, location restrictions, and production delays in the screen sector.

Regional Wrap
Resilience in the NZ Film Industry

Regional Wrap
Resilience in the NZ Film Industry
Reflecting on the impact of COVID-19, the departure of Amazon, and the challenges and opportunities for the screen sector.
NZ film industry, COVID-19, MIQ, Amazon project, Screen Production Grant, tax relief, international productions, local crew, Auckland lockdown, Wellington film industry, film production hiatus, media misconceptions, crew support, international spend, local production, film incentives, production challenges, TV commercials, crew shortages, industry resilience, silver linings, COVID Levels, production opportunities, sector collaboration, film industry survival.
Reflecting on the impact of COVID-19, the departure of Amazon, and the challenges and opportunities for the screen sector.

Regional Wrap
Auckland Film Industry Update

Regional Wrap
Auckland Film Industry Update
Navigating the winter hiatus, maintaining safety, and supporting collective bargaining in the screen sector.
Auckland, winter hiatus, film industry, Covid safety, health and safety, Film Industry Working Group, Minister, Blue Book, screen industry workers, contractors, collective bargaining, SPADA, NZAPG, advertising and producers, working conditions, membership, freelance crew, overtime, travel time, midnight loading, large productions, Evil Dead, Sweet Tooth, Cowboy Bebop, GSR, UAP production, Guild membership, screen sector support.
Navigating the winter hiatus, maintaining safety, and supporting collective bargaining in the screen sector.

Regional Wrap
Addressing Skills and Safety

Regional Wrap
Addressing Skills and Safety
Highlighting crew shortages, training gaps, and on-set electrical safety in New Zealand’s screen industry.
screen industry, New Zealand, crew shortages, training gaps, sound recordists, grip department, 2nd Assistant Camera, on-set safety, electrical equipment, appliance testing, portable appliance tester, CV reviews, young talent, equipment standards, workplace safety, crew member injury, Sioux Macdonald, Guild vice president, international productions, industry growth, mentorship, technical safety.
Highlighting crew shortages, training gaps, and on-set electrical safety in New Zealand’s screen industry.

Regional Wrap
Gratitude Amid Growth

Regional Wrap
Gratitude Amid Growth
Reflecting on a thriving film industry, resilience, and the importance of balance and community.
New Zealand film industry, Auckland, Screensafe, Covid-19 Action Group, crew support, counselling services, international crew, production growth, freelancer challenges, film community, infrastructure, Hobbit, Avatar, postproduction, skilled crew, national bubble, film safety, gratitude, work-life balance, family connections, industry resilience, crew training, film industry growth, 2020 reflection.
Reflecting on a thriving film industry, resilience, and the importance of balance and community.

Regional Wrap
Auckland's Film Industry Growth

Regional Wrap
Auckland's Film Industry Growth
Auckland's booming film industry focuses on upskilling crew and preparing for a production surge in 2020.
Auckland, film industry, upskilling, crew training, international projects, ATEED, work ethic, production boom, Screen Sector Strategy 2030, Screen Industry Guild, government support, contractors, employment law, television commercials, infrastructure, production, film crew, director, studios, locations, auxiliary businesses, MBIE.
Auckland's booming film industry focuses on upskilling crew and preparing for a production surge in 2020.
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