Auckland's Industry Pause
Hey there! Guess what? The shortest day has come and gone (thank goodness)! It feels like we've been stuck in wild wintry weather for what seems like forever. But fear not, my friends, because longer and lighter days are on their way, rain or shine!
In the Auckland film industry, things are taking a bit of an unwelcomed breather with Jason Momoa's Chief of War production now wrapped up and the upcoming Minecraft project not kicking off for another couple of months. Of course, we've got a few smaller jobs lingering around like Brokenwood Mysteries, and there's a buzz about a potential gig Tom Hern is working on, as well as some other international shows snooping around. So, there's still some possible action coming up!
Now, let's talk about the not-so-sparkling decision by the Labour Government to barely increase the large screen production grant. It's a shame because it puts us at a bit of a disadvantage against our friendly competitors across the ditch in Australia. Perhaps this may change in our favour post-election; who knows?
And just when you thought things couldn't get any quieter, TV commercials are still struggling to recover from the remnants of the pesky Covid-19 cough and the looming recession. It seems like advertisers are tightening their belts and exploring alternative ways to market their products. Stills shoots and online promotions are gaining popularity, but hey, I hope I'm wrong about this trend. Fingers crossed!
I truly believe that after the elections, regardless of the outcome, the industry will bounce back. It always does when people have some certainty about the economy's direction for a couple of years ahead. So, let's hold on to that hope and keep our spirits high!
In the meantime, why not seize the opportunity to do that dreaded winter/spring cleanup of your CVs, websites, or showreels? It's the perfect time to update, update, update! And don't forget to share your masterpiece with all the right people. Your own marketing tools can work wonders, along with the power of good ol' word-of-mouth.
By the way, the Guild has been working tirelessly over the past two years, creating new rate cards, updating the Blue Book, and even scoring some exclusive benefits for members from suppliers like Bunnings. Trust me, you don't want to miss out! Swing by the new and improved website to explore all the exciting stuff they have in store. Spread the word to your non-member pals too, because they need to know what they're missing!
So, my friends, let's stay positive, keep updating, and embrace the upcoming brighter days in both the weather and our industry.
Sioux Macdonald, Guild vice president and executive committee member
Take Two – Bay of Plenty
Hello everyone!
We wanted to share with all NZ content creators the exciting work happening here at Film Bay of Plenty. As a regional film office, our main focus is to attract and support productions in the stunning Bay of Plenty region.
We've been diligently promoting our region as a film-friendly environment, offering our incentive of free pre-production time, showcasing the natural beauty, unique locations, and diverse cultural richness that Te Moana-a-Toi has to offer.
Collaboration is the heartbeat of the film industry, and the 10 regional film offices are at the forefront of this dynamic partnership. By joining forces, we are transforming the landscape of the film industry, creating a ripple effect of success that reaches far and wide. Together, we are unstoppable!
Through these partnerships, we've been able to exchange knowledge, best practices, and creative ideas, strengthening the overall film industry in the Bay of Plenty and Aotearoa. We're proud to say that our efforts have paid off, with an increasing number of national and international productions choosing to film in Te Moana-a-Toi.
Our team provides comprehensive support to these productions, assisting with location scouting, permits, crew recommendations, and much more. So, let's continue to support and uplift one another as we work towards a thriving and vibrant film industry across our beautiful regions.