Auckland: Autumn 2024

Auckland's thriving summer: Dry weather, increasing long-form projects, and proactive support from the Screen Guild.

What a fantastic summer it's been! Finally, we're blessed with some dry weather here in Auckland, allowing our laundry to bask on the line for more than just a brief moment. While the TVC sector of the film industry is still finding its footing post-pandemic, there's a silver lining: both local and international long-form projects are flowing in steadily, providing many of us with a much-needed financial boost after last year's challenging season.

It's remarkable how our crew and locations continue to attract international interest, making this an opportune time to stay connected within our network. The Screen Guild has been bustling with activity, collaborating closely with international productions to navigate immigration requirements and safeguard the positions of our talented crew members. We've also been proactive in offering legal guidance on contractual matters, especially with the introduction of the Screen Industry Workers Bill.

Excitingly, we're witnessing a positive shift in the TVC landscape, with more producers offering simplified contracts for short-term shoots—an encouraging departure from the past. Remember, it's essential to ensure you have a contract in place before commencing work, and negotiations should always be conducted in good faith.

If you ever have questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to the Guild. Your membership fees entitle you to access our support services, so make the most of them! And if you can, encourage your peers to join the Screen Guild; strength in numbers amplifies our collective voice, both on set and at the negotiation table.

In the midst of this bustling industry activity, I hope many of you are finding joy in working on the exciting productions currently underway or in the pipeline—including Minecraft, Spartacus, A Remarkable Place to Die (filming in Queenstown), Zombies 4, Double Parked Season 2, Wolfman (set in Wellington), and Tears in Rain.

And remember, while you're out there soaking up the sun, don't forget to practice sun safety—slip on a shirt, slop on sunscreen, slap on a hat—and take a moment to have your moles and freckles checked during your next day off.

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