Crew Boom Across New Zealand

From a slow winter to a thriving production season, the screen industry is bustling with new opportunities.

Hi everyone,

The work climate couldn’t be more polar opposite between the time the last edition was printed and now.

Back then, we had hundreds of crew sitting around in Auckland waiting for work, after the slowest Autumn and Winter that we’ve seen in years. We all knew there was going to be a bottle neck coming up and had to wait out the winter in anticipation. Well, the cork has popped off the bottle, and crew are fizzing all around the country now!

We have managed to crew up over 14 long form dramas, features and series that are shooting between now and the middle of next year. Opportunities are endless for many crew to upskill and finally get their overdrafts back under control, which is excellent. It’s been a very busy time for the Screen Industry Guild, assisting producers with all enquiries, visa applications, blue book questions and solutions to problems as they arise.

On a personal note, I would like to thank our president Richard Bluck for his hard work, and collaborative approach during his time at the helm of the Screen Industry Guild. It has been such a pleasure having a president who was so easy to work alongside, and who has achieved so much during his 4 years as president. Without him, our safety code Screensafe wouldn’t be the document it is today, and he has provided level headed thoughts to what has sometimes been a turbulent climate, and together as a team we have managed to navigate our way though a new name change, the new Screensafe document, and a new and improved Blue Book. I’m sure that Richard is looking forward to handing his baton on to someone new who will inject some fresh blood into the role.

In local news, there is much buzz about the latest Hollywood Reporter supplement that is all about the facilities, crew and locations that make Auckland the unique and incredible place to shoot large budget productions. If you get a chance, have a look by going to to check it out.

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