Dunedin's Creative Momentum

Showcasing collaborations, funding struggles, and the potential for growth in Dunedin’s film industry.

Last quarter saw a squabble* of projects come to town. Nothing here for a long time, just a good time. A zazzle* of documentary crew got shooting. One of them I’m not at liberty to say much about, and to be honest, I have no idea on the content matter. I will say it was led by a Dame, so regardless of content, I’d watch the end result. Even if it was a story on the amount of road cones we have in the city right now, I’d watch it (with respect to you and your work, GP!). Ex-Dunedinite, now international skateboarder Geoff Campbell brought an ollie* of skateboarders into Dunedin’s urban backdrop of half pipes, vert ramps, bowls, fountains, and rails to carve up a visual storm on our sexy streets. Shame they came over the RHCP concert time as no vacancy signs led them to get creative with where to rest up each night.

A fluster* of Reality TV series crew swooped in for an episode of Ultimate Escape. The speed in which they came and went fitting with the series premise (24 hours, 24 clues, and 24 calls to release a celebrity from the locked container). Apparently, it’s going to be jaw-dropping and supercharged. Another reality series in pre-preproduction involves the son of a rockstar investigating paranormal activity, but not out in the public eye as yet to elaborate further.

(The article continues with reflections on funding challenges, regional scope, and the creativity bubbling in Dunedin.)

The final regional update, Take Six – Queenstown, will follow in the next message. Let me know if you'd like me to include that along with additional articles!



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please extract the complete 'take five - dunedin' before moving forward

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Here is the full Take Five – Dunedin article extracted as requested:

Take Five – Dunedin

Last quarter saw a squabble* of projects come to town. Nothing here for a long time, just a good time. A zazzle* of documentary crew got shooting. One of them I’m not at liberty to say much about, and to be honest, I have no idea on the content matter. I will say it was led by a Dame, so regardless of content, I’d watch the end result. Even if it was a story on the amount of road cones we have in the city right now, I’d watch it (with respect to you and your work, GP!). Ex-Dunedinite, now international skateboarder Geoff Campbell brought an ollie* of skateboarders into Dunedin’s urban backdrop of half pipes, vert ramps, bowls, fountains, and rails to carve up a visual storm on our sexy streets. Shame they came over the RHCP concert time as no vacancy signs led them to get creative with where to rest up each night.

A fluster* of Reality TV series crew swooped in for an episode of Ultimate Escape. The speed in which they came and went fitting with the series premise (24 hours, 24 clues, and 24 calls to release a celebrity from the locked container). Apparently, it’s going to be jaw-dropping and supercharged… Another reality series in pre-preproduction that involves the son of a rockstar investigating paranormal activity, but not out in the public eye as yet to elaborate further.

There have been a selection* of Location scouts out scoping vistas, villas, and vestibules for future productions, but with the writers' strike, I am not sure what may bear fruits for the months ahead.

Education has been a key player with our film community working alongside a nurture* of students. Maddie Maxwell's in-schools short film project based in Palmerston & Oamaru brought children to work with local police around social issues from the children's perspective. Design students at the Otago Polytech collaborated with Dunedin-based musicians to create music videos as part of their curriculum. This is not a first-time collaboration concept, but one brought back by popular demand, led by Film Lecturer and Producer for Shine on Films, Jon Wilson.

Film Otago Southland invested in a round of workshops for those interested in developing new skillsets within the Camera, Sound, Grips, Locations, and Production departments. There was no shortage of bums on seats (in fact, some workshops had twice as many participants as they anticipated). Let’s call it a bootyloot* of filmo attendees. I was fortunate enough to meet and workshop with those interested in all things Production and was genuinely impressed with the range of skillset and passion coming through. I hear the other workshops were also a great success; it was money well spent.

On that note - let’s talk about … funding.

Apparently, 44% of creative professionals supplement their creative income with other work. This is more likely 88% for Dunedinites (I type this as I work week 4 on a FIFA Event contract). When you get the chance to work with us, you will see this is why we are a stellar crew. We can pull s*%& out of nowhere with a plausible* of skillsets. And if we can’t do it, our uncle’s neighbour's mechanic's son can come over in a couple of hours to sort what we don’t already know.

There’s so much talk on Regional scope, yet still so little funding coming down this far south. Why is this? Having worked on some fairly average content over the years (both Domestically and Internationally) – it really boggles the mind some of the stuff that gets greenlit and some of the content that goes to the denied pile. A sympathy* of rejections. Having seen firsthand the development projects coming up from local content creators, the issue is not that we lack the skillset or stories to share. Regional is a diversity classification for funding boards, but I am questioning whether it’s being measured considerably when you look at what positive social impact and outreach we can have on the community within such a small town, not to mention financial impact.

If you look over the past five years, approximately 1–1.5% funding comes to Dunedin. On average, approximately 20% filming within the Otago region and surrounds. Otago has the third largest film community in the country.

If we brought the funding percentage to a mere 5% to Dunedin, that would open the door for a sustainable industry here. A festivity* of Productions.


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