Editor's Welcome: Busy Times for the Guild and Industry

Graeme Tuckett returns with updates on the name change, industry challenges, and exciting features in this issue.

Hi all,

And welcome to another issue of your magazine.

My profound thanks to Mister Daniel Slevin for taking the reins while I was up to my bum in snow in New York City. Great job he did too.

Obviously, we’ve got a lot to cover in this issue. The name change is on. The industry is flat out and resources – human and otherwise – are getting stretched beyond capacity.

In this issue you will find great coverage of the name change process and result. Leon Narbey’s report from behind the camera on new NZ film One Thousand Ropes. Libby Hakaraia and Waka Attewell muse on the Maoriland Film Festival. New member and industry veteran Paul Whitehouse on the joys and challenges of shooting ‘OB’. And plenty of provocative and informative content from our regular contributors.

It’s great to be back, basking in the Wellington sun and having the phone and email running red-hot with inquiries for crew.

Love your work,

Graeme Tuckett, editor

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