Challenges in Production Delays
Hi all,
And apologies for the lateness of this issue. It was pushed back a few weeks to allow me to complete another job, and then to recover from a spell in the sick bay. And then further again as the AGM got so close it made no sense to publish an issue of NZTECHO before the meetings when we could wait until after and announce the election results.
As always, our greatest congratulations and thanks to everyone who stood for election and to everyone who chose to return to what can be a thankless and often unappreciated business of keeping this industry as safe, fair, transparent and equitable as it can be.
You are truly a bunch of champions.
One thing the delay in production and my own unavailability did teach me, was to never take this magazine for granted.
We have been hit this issue with a perfect storm of expected content not arriving. For most issues over the last few years at least, we have been able to choose what to include and what to leave out. But this issue has been nettlesome to say the least.
That’s why we have ‘taken the opportunity’ (err, ‘had to’) reprinted a couple of pieces from previous issues.
But, I am happy to include Waka’s original-as-ever take on the New Zealand Cinematographers Society (NZCS) awards and the process of being a judge. As I write this, the nominees and winners have not been made public, so our thanks also to Amber Wakefield for facilitating the printing of this piece.
There are some stunning entrants, and we hope our selection of photos does justice to your work.
And, normal service will be resumed for issue number 83. Deadline for all material first week of December please!
Love your work,
Graeme Tuckett