Industry Slowdown and Opportunities in Wellington
Well, it certainly isn’t flash down here at the moment, but that shouldn’t come as any surprise.
We know there’s been a load of traffic going through the Crew Wellington site, because Google tells us these things, but we can’t claim it’s been translating into much in the way of work. A few TVCs, a couple of docos, but not much at all in the way of a drama or even a medium-budget feature has reared its head in the last little while.
The internationals are all waiting for the coin to stop spinning regarding tax incentives and breaks. The news that the threshold has been lowered is great, but unless we can at least match what Australia is offering, then it’s kind of pointless. Here’s a thought, let’s form a trading bloc with Australia, South Africa, Ireland, Canada, and whatever they’re calling half of Eastern Europe these days, and agree on a tax regime across all the competing countries? That way we’re all on a level playing field. Hollywood, Bollywood, and Pommywood can do their sums with some assurance the numbers will stay the same, and we won’t get ourselves in a race to be the cheapest that will ultimately damage us all. Anyone know Stephen Joyce on a first name basis and willing to float the idea?
Meanwhile, Avalon studios have well and truly got their shingle out in the international market, and we expect them to bring at least a couple of shows our way in the next 12 months. Out in Miramar, dark shadows are apparently moving in the depths, but nothing has surfaced yet.
Actually, here’s another idea, write a script. We had a great conversation with** Graeme Mason **at NZFC last week, and it only served to drive home the truth of truths. A great script will still get a fair reading in this country and there is still a will and some cash available to invest in New Zealand films and docos. So if you know anyone with a truly interesting and cinematic idea gathering dust in the bottom drawer, go and hit them with a stick until they get the laptop out willya? We could use the work.