Lessons From Film and Nature
The things you learn in film…
I have recently learnt that some roosters will slave themselves for a huhu grub, while others prefer freshly shelled peas; Queen bees are introduced to hives in cages with sugar doors – by the time worker bees have eaten through the doors ‘to kill the invader’ the queen’s pheromones have leached though the hive and the Queens is accepted; A native Falcon regularly baths, full drenching itself – birds have been known to kill their mate after a bath as they look so different that they are unrecognisable and assumed to be a threat.
I can tell you the cost of a weather balloon, and where to look for a dented supercar…
Summer has been amazing down south – endless blue-bird days. And some work for our crew with Screentime filming Master Chef, Libertine filming Under the Vines, and Great Southern TV gearing up to film One Lane Bridge Season3.
And soon open borders – which will mean more Omicron, but more people able to come here for jobs.
Look forward to a much longer QT Techos wrap in 3 months time!
Nic Macallan and the Queenstown crew.