Navigating Change With Care
Kia Ora.
As we head into the holidays, I sit here writing this reflecting on the past year and want to highlight the need for patience and understanding as we navigate these new times.
ScreenSafe has delivered the revised COVID-19 Health and Safety Protocols for the Traffic Light System this past week, and I have to thank the ScreenSafe COVID-19 Health and Safety Group for all their hard work and tireless effort in putting these essential protocols together.
ScreenSafe has created guidance for both Vaccination Passport Productions and Non-Vaccination Passport Productions. These protocols give clear advice so everyone can make their own informed decisions on running their productions under the current government guidelines.
Currently, Vaccination Passports have not been mandated for our sector. So, we ask productions to do their risk assessments to see if the passports are necessary or not.
Over the past few weeks, I have had several concerned crew members (vaccinated and non-vaccinated) contact me regarding the Vaccination Passports and the current conditions. Collectively, we need to consider that we all have a choice in whether or not to be vaccinated. We don't know people's individual stories or experiences, so understanding and compassion are needed here. I just ask everyone to be respectful and kind.
I am happy to announce that we will be releasing our Business Development program that includes a Business Toolkit with everything you need to know about running a business in the New Year.
We will include guidance and information regarding the Screen Workers Bill, and in the first quarter, a new rate card guidance that we are busy consulting with the industry about at the moment. Thank you to Daniel Watterson and Tracey Sharman for leading these projects for the guild.
The Blue Book review is finalized, and the consultation with SPADA and NZAPG will happen in the New Year. A big thank you to the subcommittee for all of their hard work on this.
We are currently in the final stages of the Online Module, which has been developed to combat Bullying and Harassment. This will be available for all of the industry in early 2022. We will start up the Professional Respect Program Workshops again in February.
I would also like to give a massive thank you to the Executive Committee for all of their hard work supporting the guild over 2021, especially Brendon Durey, Sioux MacDonald, and Tyrone Payne.
A special thank you to the committee members who have put their hands up to continue our work. There are endless hours that go on behind the scenes, and the support is much appreciated.
I would also like to thank Richard Bluck for his support as Chair of ScreenSafe and Jane Scott, who keeps the books for all of her hard work.
Next year, we will be looking at the ScreenSafe organisation, and we have received funding from WorkSafe to do some research on what sort of organisation it could be. We will be consulting with the industry on their thoughts and looking internationally for ideas. We want to make sure Cultural Safety and Mental Health is part of the research and look at how we can create a healthier and safer environment for everyone involved across the sector.
Finally, I would like to thank our members for your ongoing support of the guild. We are here working for you and want to know if you have any concerns or ideas to deliver what you need.
Don't hesitate to get in touch with us at info@screenguild.co.nz. We need to know what is going on, on the ground.
In closing, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and hope you enjoy this time with whānau and friends.
Take care, and I look forward to another year working with you all in 2022.
Ngā mihi nui, Kelly.