NZ Screen Sector Updates

Government initiatives and challenges facing New Zealand’s screen industry, including funding and policy changes.

Screen Sector Work Programme

Keep an eye out for schedule and other information from MED/MCH (Ministries of Economic Development, Culture and Heritage, respectively) about the Screen Sector Work Programme. A government release promised for this issue was not forthcoming. Until we know more, check out some specific tasks from the SSWP circulated earlier this year:

  • Identifying further actions in response to Jackson/Court NZFC review
  • Assessing the effectiveness of financial incentives (LBG and SPIF)
  • Identifying effectiveness of current institutional arrangements for government-funded screen agencies
  • Assessing the scope and effectiveness of screen training and professional development services
  • Reviewing the adequacy of NZ physical screen sector infrastructure (soundstages…)
  • Examining the effectiveness of international film co-production treaties.

TVNZ Charter goes west, and what of public broadcasting?

The Television New Zealand (TVNZ) Amendment Bill – passed on 12 July, abolishing the TVNZ charter – was the death-knell for NZ public service broadcasting, following the axing of TVNZ 7 earlier this year. New Zealand is now the only country in the OECD that lacks an ongoing free-to-air public service TV broadcast. To add insult to injury, pay-broadcasters, like SKY TV, are not compelled to contribute a portion of their profits toward the production of local content. Levies of this sort are standard in other countries…

NZ on Screen – Screentalk Interviews

Have you checked out the wealth of interviews at lately? International success story – and Guild member – **Stuart Dryburgh’s **latest interview ‘good, old-fashioned camera tricks’ posted in July is well worth a watch. Other Guild members with great stories on the site include cinematographers **Waka Attewell **and Leon Narbey plus gaffer Annie Frear.

It’s a Sellabration! at the Film Archive

Check out some classic kiwi adverts from past decades and have a laugh…

Council buyout welcomed by studio boss

Auckland Film Studios chairman Ross Jewell says Auckland Council’s August buyout of the Henderson facility is great news despite uncertainty around its future. Auckland Council paid $1.5m for 57% of the studios used to shoot Xena: Warrior Princess, Legend of the Seeker, Narnia – The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, and Prince Caspian, after joint venture shareholders Tony Tay Film went into receivership. “I’m extremely positive… We’ve got more flexibility so it’s definitely a good move,” Jewell says.

SINZ Political Forum highlights values divide on screen industry policy

Election forum (Auckland Sep 5) heard from MPs from National, Labour, Greens, and the Maori party.

Only the Greens invited actual policy scrutiny – 2008 screen and broadcasting policies standing unchanged. A striking division was clear between the government and other parties on public broadcasting, and the importance of actively supporting NZ culture, government favoring market forces.

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