Record Crew Demand in Auckland

Auckland sees a surge in film projects, creating opportunities for up-and-coming technicians.

Hi Aucklanders

For the first time in years we have had a record number of crew working simultaneously. Our board in the office is chocka with projects using technicians for long stints, which is awesome. There are so many projects going on over the next 9 months, that we are struggling to find crew to fill all the positions required. What a great opportunity it is for new up and coming trainees to get under the wings of the senior techos!

Cowboy Bebop aka Jazz Band is shooting into the new year, along with The Wilds. The Sounds are shooting until November, and Great Southern Television have crews shooting One Lane Bridge in Queenstown until Christmas. We are looking for crew for a 16-week shoot starting in January called Mystic, as well as crew for Jane Campion's next film The Power of the Dog, shooting in the new year.

The country's worst-kept secret, GSR's Lord of the Rings series, has now been officially announced, and will use approximately 1000 crew each day. There will be some crew coming in for the first season to help set the project up, but we are hoping this will provide an excellent platform for many of you to upskill in the years to come.

The Guild has been working behind the scenes to help get some of these projects off the ground, and is continuing to work with Auckland City Council to help streamline the permitting process for shooting in certain locations around Auckland, in particular the west coast beaches in an attempt to keep all of our international projects flowing smoothly in the future.

We anticipate some improvements coming very soon, and will encourage any assistance from the Council, ATEED, and Screen Auckland to make Auckland the most film-friendly destination in New Zealand.

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